Chapter 8

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After I've been to the doctor I quickly go inside the building and was entering Mr bossy office. I was holding my ultrasound picture in my hand. Why am I holding it again? Oh yeah for proof.
"Mr Johnson..." I started but he cut me off.
"You're late?!" He said.
"I know. I have proof I went to the doctor for an checkup. Here is my ultrasound picture for proof." I said handing him the picture. He took and as he looked at it I could of seen the change in his eyes.
"Fine." He said and handed me back the picture. Then his telephone rang. It's actually an landline office phone used for his company only and emergency numbers. While it was ringing he looked at me.
"Oh yes. Sorry!" I said and quickly picked it up and put down the ultrasound picture.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Of course. I'm coming right away." I said and disconnected.
"Mr Johnson, the secretary wants me to collect an file. I'll leave." I said and left.

Mr Johnson's POV....

After she left I've realised that she had forgotten her ultrasound picture. I took it and sat on my chair. This brings back a lot of memories.

"Arh!!" She yelled in pain covered all in blood.
"Just hang on! Doctor!" I yelled and we we were rushing her into the emergency room.
"I'm sorry, we couldn't..." Before he could finish I broke down screaming and crying.


"Uh!" I yelled slapping away a file that was on the desk. Why does this girl reminds me so much?!


As I've reached home I quickly went into my room and slammed close the door. I quickly grabbed an bottle of Tequila and a glass an went to the my desk and started to drink like nonstop.

Aria's POV.....

After I came home the place sounded a bit silent than usual. Hmm...maybe she went out? Then I heard crying coming from Sasha's room, I quickly rest down my things and closed the door. I walked to her door and knocked.
"Sasha?" I called. Then the crying stopped.
"Is everything okay?! Are you okay?! Can I come in?!" I asked.
"Sure!" She replied. I quickly walked in and saw her eyes red.
"Sash! Whats wrong? Why were you crying?!" I quickly asked running towards her.
"I...I..." Before she continued she stopped and as if she realized whom she was talking to.

Sasha's POV....

"Sash! Whats wrong? Why were you crying?" She quickly asked.
"I...I..." Then I realise that I can't tell anyone.
"You?" She ask.
"I....Selena is...her late husband's mom passed and...we were close because of Selena so...we may have to leave for there Sunday for her funeral." I said completely lieing.
"Oh. I'm so sorry. You want me to come with you?" She asked.
"I wish you could Mr Johnson would be mad, remember who you work for?" I said trying to laugh.
"True, if there is anything I can do please tell me." She said and I nodded. She then left my room. I sighed in relief and open back my drawer holding up a picture frame of my late husband.

Aria's POV....

I am actually feeling really bad for Sasha. Someone close to her again had left her. I must do something to make it up to her. I know when I get my paycheck I will treat her and Selena.
Hmm...I wonder how did Mr Johnson made her the highest order in the restaurant she works in? Oh well, I better go and get changed.

The Next Day.....

I was working on one of the designs, editing it and checking through some of the errors while Mr Johnson came to work. He's late, how surprising.
"Good morning sir!" I quickly got up and said to him.
"Good morning." He replied and went into his office.
"Hmm! How mean!" I said and went back to my work.

Mr Johnson's POV...

"Good morning sir!" She quickly said standing up.
"Good morning." Was all I said not evening looking at her and walked into my office.
"Hmm! How mean!" I heard her say. She sounds so cute talking like that. Anyways I better ignore this and keep focus.
After some time a woman burst through my door. It was Julian. Oh my God! Why the hell is she here?! She was wearing on a tight fit red dress reaching half her thigh making most of her legs show and her heels and make-up to match, her long. Blonde hair falling back matching her blue eyes. No wonder I force myself to date her.
"Seems like you have forgotten me." She said and came next to me. She bent and leaned over her face inches from mines.
"What do you want?!" I asked her. Besides could Mrs Carter let her in here without my permission!
"Isn't it obvious, I want you all to myself." She said.
"Julian no! We're over!" I said. She then wrapped her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her shoulders trying to push her away. Then my door opened and Mrs Carter was in the way. She quickly used the file in her hands to block her eyes.

Aria's POV....

"Hi." I said to an woman in a tight red dress. She just walked forward to go into Mr Johnson's office.
"You can't go in." I said.
"I'm his girlfriend." She said rolling her eyes.
"Oh well, go in then." I said and she smiled and walked in.
After a few minutes I completed his file and decided to go show him. As I just walked in it seems like they were busy. I quickly block my eyes with the file in my eyes.
"Sorry sorry! I'll come back later, it's not important." I said and was about to walk away when he called me.
"Come in!" He said.
"It's okay, I'll come back." I said and he called again.
"I said to come in." He said and I remove the file and walked towards them.
"Here you go." I said.
"Hmm...see you later." The woman said and left.
"Julian don't ever come back here again or near me! Got it!" He yelled angrily and she left. Then he faced his attention to me.


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