Chapter 55

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I've carried the dress to cash by the cashier and rest the dress on top the counter.
"Four hundred and fifty dollars." Wow! A bit steep. I looked through my bag and I just remembered that I forgot to take cash with me.
"Uhm ma'am? Do you want to pay with links?" She asked. I then remembered Brandon's wallet. I opened it to see he doesn't have enough cash either. I then took his credit card.
"Here. This is my husband's." I said handing it to her.
"Oh! You're Brandon Johnson's wife? You're part of the Johnson's family?" She asked.
"I am." I said raising my eyebrows. She then took the card and swiped it. After I've finished I took the card and placed it back inside my bag. The woman then took the dress and placed it into a bag. I took it and left.
"Thank you come again." She said and I waved her bye. I then walked out with Selena into another store for me.
"Lets try here." I said.
"Okay." Selena said. We both walked in and started looking for a dress for me.

Brandon's POV...

"Scott! No one eats lunch at a mall food store." I said as both me and Scott left the elevator.
"I do. It's faster to get." He said and I shake my head. Then a young woman with short brown hair came to us wearing a mini blue dress.
"Hi. Two medium pizzas please. Usual for me and extra mushrooms and pineapple for him." Scott said.
"Drinks?" The woman asked. Scott and woman just continued flirting.
"Pepsi mi amor." He said winking at her whom smiled and left. Thank God my Aria isn't like those girls.
Your seat." He said and I went and sat with him.
"Nice way of ordering food." I said and he laughed.
"Too bad you can't do it. You are married." Scott said.
"And I planned on keeping it that way." I said.
"You know. Maybe I should ask that hot chic out. Don't you think?" Scott asked and I shrugged an yes.
"Hmhmm." I mumbled as Scott kept on talking.
"I think her name is Courtney and..." He kept on taking then from the corner of my eyes I saw Selena.
"Selena?!" I said.
"No her name is Courtney!" Scott said.
"No Selena! And Aria is here." I said and he followed my eye trail to see them. Aria was holding three bags.
"Let's invite them!" I said.
"What?!" Scott said. It's like if he doesn't want them here.
"What?" I asked as I got up and went behind Aria.
"What do you want to eat?" She asked Selena. I then wrapped my arms around her shoulders. And she turned around scared to see me smiling.
"Bran!" She said hugging me and I kissed her forehead.
"Hey girls." I said.
"Hi uncle Brandon." Selena said.
"Hello Selena." I said ruffling her hair.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Might ask you the same question." I said.
"I wanted to spend time with Selena. Veronica is with my mom and dad." I said.
"I see. Shopping?" He asked.
"Yeah, for the baby party." I said.
"Okay nice. I'm having a bros lunch out." I said pointing to Scott by our table.
"Oh. Well we won't interrupt." She said.
"Nope you're joining. And please do join." I said pulling her with me.
"Come on Selena." Aria said grabbing Selena's hand with her free hand.
"Scott, Aria and Selena will be joining us. Now call back your Crystal friend crush." I said.
"Well first hello Aria and Elna." He said and both Aria and Selena waved at him.
Secondly her name's Courtney and thirdly she not my friend or crush." Scott said as he got up and went to order.
"He didn't even ask what we wanted to eat." Aria said.
"He's being mean." Selena said both me and Aria laughed.

Aria's POV...

I was surprised to see Brandon and Scott here but it is actually nice. So I won't have to travel home. Now we were all eating pizza. Me and Brandon shared a pizza. Scott being mean only ordered a small pizza for Selena since she won't be able to eat the medium.
"Uhm...Bran. I forgot to tell you. I owe you nine hundred and fifty dollars." I said.
"Huh?!" He asked as everyone stared at me.
"I went shopping and forgot to take cash with me. And it so happen that I was gonna return your wallet for you and I ended up using your credit card. I know I wad supposed to asked you first but I wasn't sure..." He then cut me off by laughing.
"You don't owe me anything. You're my wife. You have equal amount of usage towards my credit as me. Also in return there's something you'll have to do." He said.
"What?" I asked drinking my Pepsi. He leaned by my ears and whispered something. I spit out the Pepsi that I was drinking and coughed.
"What?!" I asked.
"You said anything." He said.
"What'd you have to do?" Scott asked.
"Uhm...she can't say. Not in front of Selena at least." Brandon said.
"Why?" Selena asked.
"It's a bad thing. And I'll tell you, just...when you're older." I said as I looked at Brandon.
"Seems pretty bad." Scott said looking at both me and Brandon.
"Well let's continue to eat." I said and they all nodded continuing to eat.


After we've finished we've then decided to take a walk around the mall and buy something that see.
"Selena do you want some toys?" Brandon asked.
"I like teddy bears and stuff animals." She said.
"Ou! There's a place!" I said handing Scott and Brandon the bags I was holding. I grabbed Selena's hand and we both ran into the store. I glance back to see Brandon and Scott looking at each other.
"So what do you want?" I asked. I then walked with her to take a few animals. Stuff giraffe, tigers, monkeys, birds and ducks.
"Let's cash it!" I said.
"Thats it?" Brandon asked and I nodded.
"Yep! Pay for it." I said.
"I understand. I am also married." Said the guy cashing.
"You have no idea." Brandon said laughing.
"Selena do you want this ball?" I asked she picking up a plastic Barbie ball.
"Ou! Yes!" She said.
"Brandon!" I said showing him it. He nodded smiling and we all left after he's finished paying. Scott's hand was filled. While walking, I was throwing up the ball and catching it.
"It'll fall." Scott said and shrugged. It then slipped and rolled into a jewelry store.
"Shit!" I said as we all run after sit inside the store. The ball rolled and stopped I front of showcase glass. I stoop down and picked it up. I then looked up from where I'm from and saw something that caught my eyes. It was the same eagle pendant necklace. The one that the person was wearing whom attacked me. I slowly got up not taking my eyes off the pendant.


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Hey guys I remember that I was already half way done with this chapter so I forced myself and completed it for you all. Anyways click the star below and comment your thoughts please. Also if you haven't followed me please do. Till next time..I love you all bye😘❤✌

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