Chapter 40

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The Johnson's Mansion....

After arriving back, I walked up to my room where I saw Brandon. I walked up to him and he turned his head away.
"No matter how much you try, you can't stay angry with me forever." I said.
"I don't need to try." He said looking at me.
"Brandon I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you sooner..." He then cut me off.
"Then why didn't you?" He asked.
"Because the same thing that's happening now is what would of happened long ago if I had told you." I said.
"You should of told me sooner. If you did it would of save us the pain and trouble tomorrow." He said.
"You're not gonna show up, are you?" I said.
"You don't know the pain." He said.
"I do know the pain. How do you think I'm feeling." I said.
"Well maybe I was wrong about you and Sasha was right. You are probably just with me because your love is fake." He said and walked away. I broke down crying and I then walked inside my room and locked the door and cried sitting on my bed.
"My love could never be fake!" I said crying. I then got up and went outside in the balcony and sat on chair and cried.

Brandon's POV....

I sat on top the banister on my balcony and was drinking a bottle of tequila. I just can't get drunk for some reason. Why do I feel this way?! Why do I feel to forgive her?! I don't want to!
"I don't want to!" I said loudly. No one is going to hear me since mom and dad are out still making arrangements and Scott is God knows where, and Aria well, I ain't gonna be seeing her anytime soon. I then remembered.

Memories Flashback...

Me and Aria, the first day we met in the office I sent her away.

The day in the store where Sasha works. When I walked in and she slipped back and I caught her in my arms.

The day I hired her and she would starve until she finishes all the work.
Our little business trip to Paris, when the plane crashed and I held onto her making sure she safe and the journey we had there. When we had to stay in the shark house. When I loan her my T-shirt and just staring at her face in the moonlight. The last day in the forest when she got scared and came looking for me and then we were both so close hiding behind the tree. When our faces was so close and I felt that feeling that I once had.
When we came back from Paris and she fainted into my arms and was taken to the hospital.
"One more thing like that. If she faints again she can lose her baby." The doctor said.

The first time I kissed her. She was angry. Our first date in the garden where I left her the note. The first time I said I love you to her and she did the same.

Our first time when we went to have the little picnic after she was completely broken and hurt by Sasha. The way she loves Selena a whole lot still as well as Sasha.

The ultrasound when her baby gender was revealed was a girl. The tears of joy in her eyes.

The time at the mall when she was laughing so much and was upset in a fun way because of me and Scott.

Our engagement day. She was so happy. The smile and surprise look on her face for her birthday that she completely forgot.

End Of Memories Flashback...

I turned my head and just couldn't think about this anymore. As I said the his name Scott! Scott! Scott! Aria! Aria! Aria!
"You lied to me! For so long!" I yelled. I then slammed the bottle of tequila on the the ground as it smashes into pieces. I then slid down on the ground my back against the banister and I started to cry. I was hurt once long ago now I am once again repeating the same fraise again. Why is life so unfair?! I then realized my eyes slowly closing.


The Next Day....
Aria's POV...

I woke up that morning, I look at the clock and saw 10:30 a.m. I was up all last night just thinking about today, what is going to happen, what if I'm left alone standing on the alter. I got up and went to take a bath and brush my teeth. I looked into my mirror and saw my eyes was red from all the crying, whole night. I then went and tried to relax and calm my self.


Sasha's POV....

Today was Aria's and Brandon's wedding. Brittany had given me the invitation yesterday night.

Flashback Memory....

I was at home, I've just put Selena to sleep. I was about to drink my coffee when my someone knocked on my door.
"Who could it be this late in the night?" I asked myself. I then rest down the coffee mug and went to my door.
"Who is it?!" I asked.
"Open the door Sasha!" Brittany called from the other side. I then sighed and open my door.
"What do you want now?" I asked her.
"Well goodnight to you too." Brittany said which annoyed me.
"Why are you here this late in the night?" I asked her again.
"To give this to you. And without a choice you have to be there for both the wedding and reception." Brittany said handing me an envelope. It's all beautifully decorated.
"And why do you want me to come? To whoever is getting married?" I asked.
"For you information, Aria and Brandon is getting married. And I'm inviting you not because I want to its because I have to. You're not gonna be around later on but Selena is and in the end Selena is somehow connected to me." Brittany said which made me broken and hurt in the inside but I hid it well.
"I'll be there with Selena." I said.
"Good. Then see you tomorrow." Brittany said in a wicked sort of way and left. I then sighed and close the door.

End Of Flashback....

I went inside and prepared mines and Selena's dresses and shoes to go. I have already gotten the gift and I already wrapped it this morning. Now I just have to go and ready.
"Selena?!" I called.
"Coming mummy!" She replied and I heard footsteps coming towards my room.
"Yes mum!" She said.
"Go and shower. We need to go somewhere before we go to the wedding later." I said.
"Where mummy?" She asked and I shot her an serious look. She then turned and run away to her room. I then sighed and went to get ready myself.


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Hey guys... I've finally gotten the chance and finally updated. Now I promise you all the next chapter is where all the drama is going to begin more.

Don't forget to click the star below and comment your thoughts about what's gonna happen in the next chapter.
Will Brandon be there for the wedding?
Will he and Aria still get married?
What about Sasha? When do you think she'll die? Or is she still gonna die?

Comment below what you think...
Oki till next you all muazz😘✌❤

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