Chapter 20 - Nando's?

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An hour of scrolling through Twitter left me devastated. Why are people so horrible? I read everything they write about me, good and bad. I don't know what's wrong with me. I see nice comments and tweets from people saying how much I've helped them through hard times, and how I've made them laugh and smile. I ignore those words, I know i shouldn't but I can't help it. Instead of focusing on the positives I only listen to the bad things. So as I went through all the tweets, a few obviously caught my eye.

@wroetoshaw just kys

@wroetoshaw is so ugly I don't get it

@wroetoshaw is so useless at YouTube

@wroetoshaw just upload you fucking cunt

Standard, I thought to myself. I get this offen, it's what I'm used to dealing with and it's been like that for years, ever since I stared youtube really. But as I scroll down further, that's when the more hurtful things appear on my phone screen.

@wroetoshaw I hope you fucking die you twat I hate you. He's a little cunt and he can burn in hell the fucking cunt!

@wroetoshaw honestly can you please just die or something? I beg

@wroetoshaw noooo why didn't you fucking die you don't bring anything to the sidemen your just an embarrassment to em

@wroetoshaw do the suicide challenge

@wroetoshaw honestly no one gives a fuck. Do the world a favour and just die

I read the words over and over, tears spilling out of my eyes. Why is everyone so cruel? I know I deserve all the hate, but it still hurts me a lot. My nails dug into the palm of my hand as I balled my hand into a fist. Yes it hurt, but that was the point. I tensed harder and harder untill I finally felt as though I could stop. I looked down to my hand slowly, as a red liquid surfaced it. Why do I do this?

I turned my head to the door as I heard footsteps approaching it, fuck. Not now, I want to be alone. I turned my phone off and got back under the covers and closed my eyes, steadying my breathing. The door creaked open slightly, and someone walked over to the desk. Something clicked, and then the sound of a pen writing on paper quickly was heard. The door then closed again, as the mystery person left.

"We've got no food to make!" Vikk called from the fridge to us sitting at the kitchen island. We were all getting pretty hungry now, so the topic of food had arisen. "Nando's?" JJ questioned. Tobi looked over to him, almost disgusted. "Are you kidding? Harry is upstairs, and after everything that has just happened you want to go to fucking Nando's?" He spoke, clear anger lacing his words. "Tobi," vikk started before being cut off "No vikk, no. It's disgusting. How can you want to leave the house right now? We know sure as heck that Harry isn't going to want to come, so what are you planning? To just leave him here?" Tobi had a point, so we discussed on what we'd do.

Simon had checked on Harry about an hour ago and he was fast asleep, so we figured he wouldn't be waking up any time soon. After persuading the stubborn man we got ourselfs ready to head out.
"I'll just check on Harry first!" I said as everyone was getting their shoes on. I walked hastily up the stairs and slowly opened the door. To our luck, Harry was calmly sleeping under the covers. I walked over to the desk and grabbed a pen. I clicked it and began to write on a scrap peice of paper.

We've all gone out to Nando's for something to eat. We didn't want to wake you up, or anything. I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but we'll bring you something back. Maybe a chicken wrap? :)

Call me if you need anything!!
Josh x

After finishing the short note, I took one last look at the sleeping boy and left the room. Closing the door behind me, I gave a thumbs up to all the guys staring at me from below at the front door. We got into two separate Uber's, as one could not fit us all. Me, Simon and Tobi in one, and Vikk, Ethan and Jj in another.

Just wanted to say, I don't think any of these things about Harry at all. The saddest thing is, that these are real genuine tweets I found. Harry is so underrated and deserves so so much more respect. :((_

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