Chapter 50 - Into Action

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"Bog, we're not leaving. Not until you talk to us"
I sighed, as i leant against the wall next to Harry's bedroom door, accompanied by Ethan. I could hear muffled cries coming from the room, and I hated it. I hated it so fucking much. I looked over to Ethan and once again, sighed. This was very stressful for all of us. After what had happened this morning, I realised it. Before I ran after Harry, I remembered something Simon said a while ago, and I couldn't stop
thinking about it.

Knowing that he's still doing that to himself, and I can't do anything to stop it absolutely destroys me! I feel like nothing I say or do will affect anything. I feel like I can't help him.

A thought came to mind, as I pulled out my phone from my pocket. We need to do something about this now. I'm tired of just watching Harry get worse
and worse. I texted josh, who was back downstairs. We needed to put some sort of plan into action, or things are not going to end well, for any of us. Especially for Harry.

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