Chapter 48 - Haz

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After twenty minutes of sitting in silence on the bathroom floor, I'd cleaned myself up and wondered back to my bedroom. I was staring at the ceiling whilst laying on my back, when I got a notification. At first I ignored it, expecting it to be Simon; he constantly bombards me with messages me when he's out, or when I'm alone. Though after a few minutes, my phone was still silent. I picked it up and examined the screen, a text message form Freya.

Heyyy haz we're on our way but gonna stop off at Starbucks do you want anything x

No It's okay. See you soon x

I sent a short reply before I turned my phone off. I sighed contently, remembering they were coming over. They were both becoming great friends to me, and I couldn't be more greatfull. Having them around was like having a breath of fresh air, they allowed me to have fun, and forget about everything for a while. Around them I wasn't the fragile, broken, anxiety ridden, self harming anorexic. I was the funny, bubbly care free Harry I used to be. It was such a great feeling, and almost unexplainable. My attention was drawn towards the front door, as I heard a knock from downstairs. I jumped out of my bed and rushed to the two waiting at the giant wooden door. I stopped once I made it to the top of the stairs, realising I was wearing a now blood soaked hoodie. Just as I turned back around to quickly change, I heard a voice. "Freya remembered she had a spare key!" Talia beamed from the now open door. I stood still with my back to them, not knowing what to do. "Haz, you okay?" Freya said, already half way up the stairs. Completely forgetting about my previous concerns, I turned round to them, only to be met with odd expressions printed on their faces. "Harry," Freya sighed, looking to my eyes. I was still unable to move. "It's okay, you know?" She softly smiled. I sighed in defeat, knowing there was no lie I could make up to explain this. The two girls continued to walk up the stairs, and then we all went into my room. After setting their bags down, Freya spoke. "We should probably get you cleaned up" she smiled softly. The three of us walked into the bath room, and I sat down on the toilet seat, as instructed by Freya. "Your hair looks nice today" I said, looking over to Talia, breaking the silence. And it was true. It looked amazing, as did she. It was down in a
side parting, and red. Anyone who knows Talia will know that she dies her hair frequently, last time I saw it it was blonde, now it was a bright red, and she suited it. I looked back over to her as she picked up a bandage from the first aid kit. Since when did we have one of them? "Thanks" she smiled beamed. Freya put a had to her chest and gasped. I just giggled as she shook her head disapprovingly.
"You okay with taking your hoodie off in front
of us, or no?" The redhead asked, caringly. I nodded in response and lifted the piece of clothing over my head. The truth is, no. I wasn't comfortable with it at all, but I felt like I needed to be.

We both watched Harry take of his hoodie, and as he did, we saw how bad he looked. I mean don't get me wrong, he wasn't deathly skinny or anything, but he was getting there. It wasn't like his rib cages were prominent and poking out really far, but you could just about see them. If he carries on doing this,
oh god. I don't want to imagine what I'd see. I looked back to him when he had it in his hands and I took the dirty material from him, putting it in a wash basket next to me. He tilted his head down quickly and sniffled, whilst playing with his hands. Freya took instinct and kneeled down in front of the boy. She took his hand in both of hers, before speaking aloud. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked sympathetically, rubbing her thumb over the back of his slightly shaking hand. He shook his head
"Don't worry it's nothing, can we just get this over and done with please?" He rubbed his eyes, holding back tears. We left it at that, as he clearly didn't want to talk about it, in this specific moment.

It had been around an hour and we were all layed on top of Harry's bed. Himself, in his normal place, with me and Freya positioned on the end. The room was silent as we were all on our phones, or so I thought. I looked over to Harry, to realise he was just staring blankly at the ceiling with silent tears in his eyes. I nudged the girl next to me carefully, and tilted my head, directing her eyes to the boy in front of us. Her face paled slightly as she saw him
"Haz?"She questioned softly, disturbing the silence. "Don't tell anyone please" he spoke abruptly, shocking me a bit. "I don't want them to know" he stated. We considered it for a second, before I spoke up. "Okay fine," I said, Freya looked to me with
eyes that gave off a 'what the fuck are you doing' kind of vibe. I ignored her and continued "but only if we can take you shopping soon" I smiled as Freya understood what I was trying to do. Harry sat up, and looked to me, his red eyes filled with confusion. "You heard me" i spoke. He simply nodded to me, and layed back down, falling asleep quickly after.
The blonde nodded to me, pleased, as we now could start to make some sort of plan, and put it into action. He needs this, really, and not just because he needed new clothes.

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