Chapter 39 - Josh's Thing

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As we walked into the front room, I smiled to Simon, who was going out with the rest of the boys that lived in the house, except for Harry obviously. We all agreed it would be better if it was just me, Freya and him, just as it was last time. Though, just like last time I wasn't completely sure on what I am supposed to do. I mean, are we supposed to just speak to him? Will he even come out of his room? Simon said he hasn't done that very offen in the past few days. I sat on the sofa, and smiled at freya, she was just as confused as me. We didn't really want to be here, but at the same time we wanted nothing more than to be, as we really cared for our boyfriends, and they really cared for Harry.

An hour had passed and nothing had happened. We stayed in the same room, and just went on our phones, just casually talking to each other every few minutes. It was slightly boring, but I didn't really mind, it was like a chilling out kind of day, so far anyway. From what I've learned so far, it can be very unpredictable when Harry is involved. The story's Simon had told me, and from when me and freya were last here, made me realise that. So, even though things so far seemed perfectly fine, I know it could all change any minute, literally.

Talia and I had been sat on the sofa for about and hour and a half, and I was very bored. So, to give myself something to do, I opened up my messages, to reveal josh had sent me a text, only a few minutes ago. I must've missed the notification.

Hey, hope you're doing good, could you make sure Harry has something to eat please? x

Yeah of course xx

I typed out a short reply and sent it. I guess that was Josh's thing, making sure Harry eat. I don't really know much about this situation, and I'm pretty sure Talia knows more than me, but I do want to help. Honestly, I know enough to realise that this is completely out of character for the young boy. I've never known him really well, but I met him many years ago, maybe like five. You wouldn't expect it from him at all, yeah he's always been awkward and a little shy but still, I don't really get it.

With that being said, I showed Talia the message, and we went into the kitchen. I looked through the cupboards and found some pasta. Whilst cooking, I realised, we haven't actually seen Harry yet, let alone spoken to him. So I thought I'd do that.

Okayy, so apparently I've ditched the whole
'not updating whilst I'm away' thing? Whatever, I'll update whilst I can. Also, short chapters are kinda back, sorry. Just remember, you should be appreciative when you get a long one :))_

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