Chapter 64 - One Slip Of The Tounge

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Is it bad that I feel awkward around him? I think so. It's just, I'm scared of saying the wrong thing, you know? One slip of the tounge, and boom. He's back to slicing up his skin and making himself sick. Too far? Yeah I guess, but I'm speaking realistically. Is there a need to sugar coat it? Why can't I just be simple with it, you know, just tell it how I see it? I think he's stopped, for now. I still hear him crying sometimes though, but is that just part of him getting better? Is he getting better? It seems like writing shit down is helping him, but in all honesty, I think it takes more than a pen and paper to fix someone as broken as him. Is that a rude thing to say? I don't know, but do I care? Of course. Yeah, I may act like it's not a big deal or anything, but I know it is. I just don't know how to deal with it. Funny, coming from the guy who's fine, so I can only wonder how he's dealing with it all. Not very well, would be my first guess. Emotions can be a very tricky thing, and I guess he just got caught up in them, a little too much. I've stayed pretty quiet this whole time, and I plan to continue.

We were all downstairs in the kitchen, and were getting ready for Sidemen filming. Honestly, this video we had planned was an absolute banger. Though energy was lacking, Harry wasn't looking his best, and neither were Josh and Simon. Tiredness, and you could tell. Though he seemed a bit out of it, Harry. He seemed almost lost? I've noticed recently, that when we film, he puts up this front. He wears a smile and makes the funniest jokes, but today, it's as if he's just given up. Half way through filming, I looked to him, and he just seemed emotionless. He stared at his hands, with no expression on his face.
I don't like it, it's scary.

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