Chapter 82 - It's Okay To Not Be Okay

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There's no point in saying that I'm worried about him anymore. It's pretty much all I ever say. It annoys me, because I know that worrying won't help him. It's just that I don't know how to help him. None of us do, and it's painful. A few months ago I hardly knew him, and now he's one of the few people I think about most. He's become such a big part of my life, and I don't want to loose him. But I feel like I will.

He keeps closing himself off. Like, I've been at the house for an hour now, just sitting in his room. He knows I'm here but he's ignoring me. I'm okay with that, of course, but I wish he'd at least acknowledge me. He's tried to open up so many times but each time, something gets in the way. Something always stops him. He is brave for that though. I think he's scared because of that. He doesn't want to open up, because he believes that something will go wrong. Honestly though, what else could go wrong? Everything is a mess right now.

"Harry," I softly spoke into the warm air. "Harry are you awake?" I knew he was, I just wanted to get him to speak to me. Though he just shuffled around on the bed, signalling that he was. It was better than nothing I guess. I continued to sit in silence. Although it was beginning to become slightly uncomfortable, I couldn't bare the thought of leaving him. "Just leave Talia," he mumbled quietly, as he turned to face me. "you don't need to be here right now," I looked to him as he spoke "everything's fine. I-I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." His lies we're almost convincing, but his face wasn't. I could see the pain he was holding in. "Harry, that's not true is it? Yeah you might want to be alone right now, and I respect that, but you know you shouldn't be, don't you? It's okay to not be okay." I studied his face as I spoke, hoping I could get through to him. "But that's the thing. I have to be okay. I have to be okay otherwise everyone will worry about me. They want me to get better not worse. The boys hate seeing me like this, so if I don't let them see me then they won't worry. Either way, I have to be okay, even if I'm not." His words made sense, he just had the wrong idea in his head. "Harry we all worry about you anyway. Us seeing you like this breaks us, but it hurts even more if we can't see you at all." He seemed confused for a moment, but then nodded his head. Slowly, he lifted himself off of his bed, and walked to the door, opening it with no words. "Harry, where are you going?" I spat out quickly, rushing behind him. "I'm going to see them." He spoke out in a quiet tone, as his legs shook beneath him.

"Harry, maybe we should-" I began to speak, but realised there would be no use, as he wouldn't listen to me anyway.

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