Chapter 24 - The Most Risky Question

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After Freya showed me the messages, I couldn't help but think what went through their minds as they said those horrible things. He really doesn't deserve any of it. I want to scream in their faces the next time I see them, but I know that wouldn't help the current situation at all.

With the bedroom now clean, we decided to go into the kitchen, and make something to eat as we were both starving. I wanted to text Simon and tell him what had happened, but thought it would be best to tell him in person as the boys would probably be back soon anyway. I know they were supposed to film yesterday but they had postponed it untill another time, dueto all the madness happening. As i got the butter out of the fridge I heard a sound coming from another room. I turned to Freya
"Did you hear that?" She nodded her head back to me. We slowly made our way to the room where the noise had come from, and realised it was Harry. He sat upright on the sofa with his head in his hands. Though surprisingly, not crying. I walked over and sat next to him after telling Freya she could go back to the kitchen if she wanted. He turned his head to look at me, then quickly turned back. "I'm sorry," he murmured, with his head in his hands again. I know he didn't need to apologise, because he'd done nothing wrong, though I let him speak. "I didn't mean to annoy you when you came round today. I was trying to stay quiet. It was my fault, after I heard you come through the door I wanted to go down and say hello but I just couldn't do it. I'm so pathetic!" He whined. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it in circles as Freya walked back into the room. I wanted to help him, so I took a chance, I asked the most risky question, though I was nervous to my guts.

"Harry. Do you want to talk?" I asked as sweetly as I could. To both mine, and Freya's surprise, he slowly nodded, though he kept his head hanging down.

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