Chapter 49 - He Seemed Hurt

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Everyone was sitting in the kitchen, as I came down to get a glass of water. I hadn't spoken to any of them for the past four days. Of course, they had spoken to me, and tried to make me talk, but i didn't.  The only people I had spoken to were Freya and Talia. A few of them looked towards me as I walked over to the cupboard, and reached for a glass, then walked towards the sink. Once I had filled up the glass, I turned back around, to see them all looking at me, and it made me uncomfortable. I do get it though, I've hardly come of my room at all recently, so they must be surprised or something.
I took in my surroundings, and realised Simon wasn't there, then remembered that Talia told me about a date they had planned to go on. I looked at them all one by one, and they all had pretty much the same expression, except for josh. My eyes landed on his, and he stared at me. He seemed hurt, and I was the reason why. I messed it up, my friendship with him. I've been ignoring him, as well as all the other boys, but he had actually been trying to 'help' me. Even though it made no difference, I let him believe it did, and he still believes it all. I'm such a bad friend.

I watched as the young boy entered the room. He hadn't spoken to any of us for ages, and obviously we were all really worried. That's why ethan and tobi had been staying here recently, they didn't want to leave him. My face instantly paled, as Harry turned around to look at us. He looked bad. Not speaking in a rude way or anything, but he looked bad. You could easily see he had got much skinnier, and the bags under his eyes had become even more prominent. I didn't know what to feel in that moment, I guess I was hurt. He was clearly still struggling, but he hadn't come to me, even though he knew I'd always be available. As our eyes locked, a tear slipped down my face, and as Harry realised, the glass he was holding slipped from his grip, and shattered on the floor. Everyone sat in shock, as Harry darted out of the room, and up the stairs.

"Don't go after him," Jj spoke quickly, as I tried to push past him. "He's not speaking to anyone right now, and if someone goes running after him, it's just going to make things a lot worse." What he said made sense, but it hurt, being told I can't do anything. Especially something I really want to do.
I nodded as I walked past him, and headed to my room. As I sat at my desk, and decided to film a second channel video, because as much as I didn't want to, I knew I needed too.

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