Chapter 27 - Three, Four, Or Two

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Everyone had gone to sleep. I waited hours upon hours. I went along with it all, acted naturally. I played it out perfectly.

I was sat in on top of my bed, legs crossed, fiddling with my fingers and constantly checking the time on my phone. I heard a knock on my door which made me jump up a bit. I readjusted my position as josh walked into my room. Fuck, he was asleep not that long ago. He stood at the door and looked at me before speaking. "Did you finish that salad?" I looked up to him and gently smiled. "Yeah, I did" I replied. I guess he could tell I was telling the truth, and that was because it was. Of course, the smile was still fake, I felt disgusting just thinking about it. Josh nodded and went to walk out the door, before turning back to me. "Everyone is asleep, I just woke up, and I'm guessing your not going to be falling asleep any time soon," I looked to him confused, before he continued to speak "wanna go downstairs? I was hoping we could talk about stuff?" He said hopefully, and finished with a persuasive smile. I shook my head. No way. "Please?" He simply begged. "No josh, just go back to sleep." I spat. With that, a disheartened josh turned round and walked out the door, closing it behind himself. Of course, Harry felt like an actual dick, but he just bring himself to saying yes.

Two hours had then passed and Harry thought it was finally time. Finally time to do what he had been craving to do for the past few hours. He silently trodded over to the bathroom and locked the door.

He finished. He flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth over the sink. He normally hated the feeling of it but this time, it felt amazing. Being able to get rid of the disgusting things inside his stomach felt so good. After splashing his face with water, he quickly walked out of the room, avoiding the mirror and went back to his bed. He fell onto the soft surface and instantly drifted away. He was glad that no one had known he had done what he did, just like he used to when he was at his own home, with the Cals. No one noticed then, and no one noticed this time.

Or so he thought.

Harry did this every night for the next few days. Ate as normally as he could when he was given it, and then threw it all back up in the early hours of the morning when everyone was asleep. Yes, it did make him feel on top of the world, but he still had the feelings and thoughts he had before hand. He was trapped. It made him feel like royalty but he knew that underneath all of it, he was a prisoner. In this world, in this house, in his mind. He was in a prison he could never escape.

It could be at three am. It could be at four, or it could be at two. It didn't matter. Every night, the young man would wake up to violent noises in the bathroom next to his room. He was a quiet lad, and he felt guilty. He was guilty over the fact that he heard this every night, yet he couldn't tell the anyone. It was a horrible feeling. He heard the masked sobs echoe throughout the tiled room, he heard the sharp breaths the young boy took. But still, he didn't say a word.

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