Chapter 57 - Very Likely

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It made me feel so awful, seeing Harry like that. He seemed so distraught and lost. When I pulled him
off of Simon, he clung to my chest, and sobbed even louder than he was already. I care for him so much, and this whole situation is just heartbreaking. Right now it was just me and him in the room, as Tobi had gone downstairs, and the girls went to the shops to get some stuff. He was curled up in a ball on his bed, and I was sat next to him with my back against the head of the bed, stroking his hair. He had only just fallen asleep, he had been crying as I held him in my arms for about an hour. It was the least I could do for him, as I still felt so guilty for not telling anyone about the fresh cuts I found on his arms that day, when I wrapped him in the blanket. I still thought about that a lot, maybe a little too much sometimes. I looked down to the boy, as he slept in silence. A wave of curiosity washed over me, and even though
I knew it wasn't the best idea, I gently took his arm, and rolled the sleeve up. Just as last time, I
gasped when I saw the state of it. The thin, but gaping wounds spread all over his skin, and it made me feel really sick, just the thought of doing that made me gag a little. Already seeing enough, I pulled his sleeve back down and sighed.

Tobi was now back in the room, and Simon had joined us. We sat in complete silence, as we didn't want to wake Harry, and we didn't want to leave
him either, so we didn't. Vikk and Josh both had to head out, as it was now like seven in the morning, and they had meetings with YouTube they had to get ready for. They were extremely important, and basically unmissable. We had to convince Josh
to go, because he wanted to cancel it.
The thing that happened last night was maybe just after midnight, and we had stayed up all night long to be by his side. We were too scared to leave. I was still sat on the bed, next to Harry whilst he laid down, still fast asleep, Simon was situated at the very end of the bed, with his legs crossed, and Tobi was sat next to the bed on a desk chair from Simon's room used for filming. I was quite surprised that he hadn't woken up yet, but then again I guess he really drained his energy, going absolutely ham last night.

The silence was disturbed, as the door slowly creaked open, to reveal Jj stood there, balancing four plates in his hands. Tobi quickly rushed over to help him, and brought them over to us. "You haven't
left him for hours, figured you'd be hungry" he whispered lowly, an unusual thing for jj to do, with him being the loudest out of us all. We all smiled to him, as he sat at the end of the bed, it dipping down slightly as he did so. Another hour had passed, and Simon and Jj had left the room, as they had to either film, or train. So again, it was just me and Tobi. We had both started to grow increasingly tired, as we sat with our phones in our hands. I looked up to him, as he yawned softly. "Should we leave him?" I mouthed to him, still not wanting to speak. He tiredly shook his head in response, then quickly nodding, after
he let out another yawn. I had the feeling he wasn't going to wake up for another few hours, so I took it upon myself to have a quick nap on the sofa in Simon's room, as he had gone out to film with Theo. I would just use the one downstairs, as it is a lot bigger, and way more comfortable, but I wanted to be close incase anything happens, which is actually very likely, anyone would know that by now.

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