Chapter 86 - Addictions

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I watched as Harry left the room, and as soon as he was gone, I didn't know what to do with myself. I picked a few hoodies up from off the floor, then straightened out the pillows on the bed. The room wasn't much of a mess, it was just the horrible smell that wouldn't go away. I sprayed febreeze and deodorant around me, yet it still wasn't enough. Quickly giving up, I slumped onto the bed and heavily breathed out. What do I do now? I tried to distract myself from the idea of smoking, but I just couldn't fight it. I guess we all have our addictions, I thought as I pulled a packet out of my pocket. Harry has all this shit that's going on right now, I have smoking, and Josh just likes to be a dick. Why is he so mad at me? I just can't leave the thought alone.

I blew the poisonous smoke out of my mouth as I admired the view from the window. It wasn't anything special, just a whole lot of nothingness and concrete. The sky was bland, and the clouds were thick, yet the sun still managed to shine through, leaving a golden glow over the setting, somehow managing to make the scene so much more beautiful m. I decided to take my phone out, snapping a quick picture and posting it to my instagram story. The calm moment was suddenly interrupted with a loud scream. Recognising it as Harry's, I quickly flicked the cigarette out of my hand and rushed to the bathroom door. "Everything okay in there bog?" I questioned through the thick piece of wood in front of me. "Yeah, the water is just really fucking hot." He explained, as a giggle escaped from my mouth. With a slight smile on my face, I went back into the bedroom and got out an outfit for Harry to change into when he comes out of the shower. A thought crossed my mind as I looked back out the window. I had an idea.

"Get dressed bog, we're going out." I stated as Harry appeared at the door frame. Puzzled, he looked down to the pile of clothes in front of him. "I'm really not in the mood Ethan." He responded as he walked to the wardrobe and picked up a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a black sidemen hoodie. "No. We're going out." I said whilst taking the clothes from his hands, and replacing them with the ones I had picked out earlier. Angrily, he turned away from me and tried to force me out of the room, though I held my ground. "Please bog." I pouted dramatically, to which he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine." He spoke bluntly, ushering me out of the room, as I happily obliged. I knew I could get through to him. "I'll be back in around an hour," I shouted through the door "need to go back to mine and get changed." With half my work done, I smiled mischievously, running down the stairs to find the perfect person to help me do this right.

Why is he doing this? I really can't be bothered. I slumped onto the bed, next to the pile of clothes he had ready for me. Curious as to what he wanted me to wear, I lifted up the first item. A plain red oversized jumper, so nothing special. I continued to pick up the next piece of clothing, and a smile appeared on my face as I realised what it was. Black skinny jeans, one of the pairs I got when I went shopping with Freya and Talia. I didn't understand why he had picked out the shoes he did. Yeah they were nice of course, but a pair of battered down grey yeezys didn't really fit the aesthetic I thought he was trying to create. Ethan was normally good with his fashion sense, so this surprised me. I knew he was going to be adamant on making me put them on anyway, so there was really no point in me questioning it anymore.

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