14: Family is Everything

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The room was docile as the female rested peacefully surrounded by blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals to comfort her while she rested. Her hair was pulled up in a bun and all the blood and dirt had been cleaned leaving her face nice and fresh. Her wounds had been healed while she'd been unconscious and she felt a lot better now that she was able to relax. Her chest rose and fell as she slept soundly, snuggled up under the covers as she dreamed.

Zeldris dipped a cloth in the bucket of warm water beside the bed, wrung it out, then placed it on her forehead. He stroked her face with a finger, watching the sleeping woman he fell in love with. His heart ached for her. They'd been kept apart for far too long and when they were finally reunited, it had been under the worst circumstances. He should've been thete. He should've known that she had been in trouble.

He wanted to rip Meliodas apart limb from limb for this treacherous act. This had crossed the line. Meliodas could try to do whatever he wanted to himself, but Obsidian? That was a fatal mistake that his brother would pay heavily for.

"I'm so, so sorry, O. If only I could have protected you," he whispered. "I swear to you, this won't go unpunished. I have a plan for Meliodas and this time, he won't escape his fate."

He took her hand gently, kissing the back of it as he sat there beside her boiling. Zeldris let out a deep sigh to keep himself from errupting violently.

"Zel," her voice was soft as her eyes stared up at him. "It's you."

"Yes, it's me," he said happily, turning her face to him.

"I'm sorry. I tried to hold down the fort the best I could, but..."

"No need to apologize, my love. You've done beautifully. You have always been an amazing leader."

Obsidian smiled, snuggling up to him as she laid under the covers. He kissed her forehead. He'd missed her dearly and had wanted nothing more than to get back to her as soon as possible. It had taken him longer than he'd anticipated, but he'd finally made his way back.

Seeing the way he was looking, she sat up and pulled him against her in a hug. He breathed, his arms wrapping around her as he burried his face in her neck.

"I've missed you," he whispered.

"Where have you been?" She asked of him, pulling back to hold him at arm's length.

Zeldris cringed. "It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"Later, OK?"

Obsidian kissed his face and nodded, accepting that answer. There was a soft knock at the door. Zeldris got up to find Estarossa waiting on the other side. He peeked in seeing Obsidian sitting there.

"How's she doing?" He nodded in her direction.

They stepped out into the hall. "Better. She'd been sleeping for the past two days, but she's up now."

"Meliodas really did a number on her... that bastard," Estarossa said.

Zeldris frowned at the floor. "He's going to pay for this, I'm going to make sure of it. He put O's life in danger." He angrily punched the wall beside the door frame, creating a massive hole. "How did he not die?!" He demanded in an almost accusing tone.

Estarossa shrugged, almost nonchalant. "Hell, if I knew, I'd ensure it would never happen again."

The entire ordeal made no sense at all. They all watched him die and yet, he'd been resurrected somehow.

Zeldris cupped his chin, pondering the possibilities of Meliodas's resurrection. It had to be some kind of powerful, intense magic that was able to do it, but who could be that capable? No demon alive would ever and there was no way the humans' magic could rival theirs.

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