Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Three Months Later


I was walking in the woods, it was so beautiful, the wind was blowing not to hard but not soft. It was perfect, but in my gut I know it’s too good to be true and I was right. The sky started getting dark, the sky singing with thunder and lighting, the rain dancing off the leaves and ground. I looked around trying to find shelter, trying to find anyone to help. I heard before I saw a cracking noise, I looked up and saw a tree falling straight towards me. I quickly jumped right on time, falling straight on rocks, how did they get here? I rolled over to my back trying to breath, when I saw a hand, “here, let me help you” the voice said. That voice, I know it from somewheres. I quickly dismiss the thought and grabbed the person's hand. 

He easily pulled me up and I dust off, “thank y-” I stopped mid-sentence, that face, its Tyler. I stepped back not really what to do. “SA-” I tried yelling for Sam but Tyler ran up to me with speed I never knew he had. “Shut up” he hissed. I shook my head, my eyes wide with fear, “listen closely, enjoy your life for now, because I’m going to come and get you, you’re mine remember that”.

Dream ended

I woke up breathing heavy, I’ve been having the same dream for the past two weeks, always start the same, and ends the same. “Love, you okay” Sam asked groggily, while reaching out for me. “I’m fine” I lied. I moved closer to him, snuggling up to him. I know he knows I’m keeping something from him, and it’s killing me that I am, but how am I suppose to tell my mate, that I’m having dreams about another man, and not just another man, but one who wants to take me away from him. He’ll hate me for life, and I would too. I slowly went back to sleep, hoping I can get a few hours.

“So how are you?” I asked Cassy, yep that’s right me and Cassy been talking, but I know there is still some stuff between us. “I’ve been fine, Sam told me about you”. I looked at with curiosity dancing in my eyes, “he told me about waking up at night, not getting sleep, everything.” “Okay, but I told him I’m fine”. “Well, I think we both know that's bull”. I looked at her with challenging eyes, I know it’s bad not talking about that dream, but it feels so real, it feels like if I talk about it than it might come real.

“If you don’t want to talk to me about it, then at least talk to Sam”. Cassy said, I know Sam is worried about me, and I hate that he’s worried about me, I just don’t know how to tell Sam that I’m having dreams about Tyler. “I’m going for a walk” I got up and walked outside. My head was pounding with everything, should I tell him, or not. I want to, but I’m afraid that he will be mad at me having those dreams, I know it sounds stupid, but I’m just afraid. “Claire… stop walking”. Snow whispered, “What… why” I asked stopping. Before she answered I smelled them before I heard them… rogues, and they are close. “Snow what are we gonna do, I can’t fight in wolf form”, “I know… listen, call mate, now, the rogues are close, right on top of us, we are gonna do as best as we can”. I quickly did as I was told.


Ring… Ring… I looked at my phone and saw Claire was calling me. “Love” I casually said, this is her first time calling me, when I’m at the pack house, maybe Cassy got to her and Claire gonna tell me what’s wrong. I hope so. “Sam” Claire said, I can hear the fear in her voice… something happened. “Claire, Love, what's wrong” I said while getting up, I motioned Jesse to follow me. “Sam, I’m in the woods and there’s rogues around me, I can’t see them, but I know they are close”. Claire said quietly. What! I swear if they hurt her, I’m gonna tear them apart, “I agree” I heard Asher say while growling. “Claire, listen to me, get to the house and lock the door and stay there, do you understand” “yes”. When she said that I heard a growl on the other side, and a gasp by her. “Claire!”. “Sam… hurry”. I heard her scream, I heard a scream and struggling on the phone, “Get off of me”. I heard her gasp. I quickly hang up the phone and swift, with Jesse right behind me.

Claire POV

I can feel something weighing me down, people talking. I can tell I’m not in my house anymore, nor anywheres in the pack land. Where am I? I slowly opened my eyes, when I saw a bright light in front of me, I quickly shut them and tried to turn my head, but I was stuck. What the hell? “Well, well, well, look who’s awake, and I thought you were gonna sleep through the fun”. I heard a man chuckle. It was dark, the only light that is shining, is the one right above. I couldn’t see him, but I know his right behind me. “Don’t be shy, step in the light, so I can see you” I taunted, I know it’s bad to do that, I am the one locked up, but if I’m gonna die today, well i’m going to die like the bitch I am. I heard footsteps walking towards me and a face above me. I looked up and saw Tyler… “morning babe” he taunted. “Don’t call me that,” I growled, trying to get out, but when I touched the chains, it felt like my skin was boiling off. I clenched my teeth in pain, not wanting to scream. To give him the satisfaction.

“I won’t touch those chains, they are coated in silver, and I suspect you know what silver is”. He said circling around me. “What do you want?!” I screamed getting mad. He slapped me and the force of the slap made my head move. I’m weak, I can feel it, I can’t feel my wolf… they did something to me. I thought back to when I get captured, right before I swift I felt something sharp in my neck and a burning substance… silver…

I turn back facing Tyler, narrowing my eyes at him, “You’re not gonna get away with this, Sam will find me” I said. “Oh, but, that’s where you are wrong, I already got away with it”. He whispered in my ear and walked away. What’s gonna happen to me? To Sam? Why do my life hates me so much?!

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