Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Claire’s POV

 “Claire, I got to go,” Sam said while heading out the door. “Wait,” I said catching up, “where are you going”. “Just some problems at the pack border, nothing to worry about”. He said walking out. “Then I’ll come with you” I replied, following him. “No,” he said turning around, “you are gonna stay here where I know you are safe”.  “But, Sam-” I started but he interrupted me. “Claire, I said no”. He pushed me back inside and shut the door. I stared at the door in shock. I waited for a few minutes until I know he left, I walked outside. “We shouldn’t be doing this, mate told us to stay at home. We are gonna get in trouble”,  Snow whispered. “I don’t care, he ain’t my warden”. I quickly shifted and followed his scent, keeping my ears perked for any movement. 

I stopped, hearing Sam talking to someone, the voice sounds like there are two females, I started sniffing the air trying to get a scent, but for some strange reason all I can smell is Sam’s scent and the pack member. “Listen, all we want is to see Claire, the white wolf” I heard one girl say. I heard a growl all ready knowing it was Sam, “No, you will not step foot on my pack land, nor will you see her”. “Listen buddy,” I heard a female voice say, it was different than the other one, more feminmine, “either you let us see her willingly, or you will surely get injured by not letting us see her”. I heard growls and yelling. Knowing it was a mistake, but didn’t really caring at that moment, I quickly shifted back to human form, running between Sam and the two females

Realizing I was in between him, Sam stopped growling and looked at me with cold eyes, “Yep, we are in trouble”. Snow said. I ignored her and turned to the females who wanted to talk to me. Looking at them, I can already tell that they are different, not just because of not having a scent but because of their red eyes, and two pointed teeth coming out of their mouths. It’s not canine… what are they? “Who are you”?  I finally spoke. “It’s none of your business, wolf, we are looking for the white wolf”. The girl with her teeth sticking out said. “Well you found her” I replied, with edge on my voice. I took a step towards them, showing that I wasn’t afraid of them, Sam quickly grabbed me back, backing me stand by him. 

I know his pissed off at me for coming out here and now for me speaking to them, but if they want to speak with me, then it’s my business. “You are not the white wolf, you are too young”. The girl with the fenimine voice said. I pushed Sam off of me and bowed my head, when I put my head back up, my purple eyes shined at them. I am the only wolf  that has purple eyes, showing that I am the white wolf. “How old are you?” The one with the teeth sticking out asked. “I’m seventeen, but I’m turning eighteen in a few weeks”. I told them. “Claire, stop telling them things” Sam said, well demanded, while looking at them coldly. “Now who are you”. I growled. “You’re not afraid of us are you?” The girl said with the femnine voice. “Should I be?” I asked taking a step forwards, with Sam in pursuit. The girl smiled while shaking her head laughing a bit. I cocked my eyebrows in confusion. “No, no you shouldn’t,'' she said, “The names, Heaven, and this is Elizabeth”. Heaven pointed at Elizabeth, the girl with her teeth out. I can tell she’s not as friendly as Heaven is.

“What do you want,” Sam growled stepping beside me. “We want to talk to Claire, alone. Not like it’s any of your business” Elizabeth hissed. “It is my business” Sam said.

Elizabeth looked at him, stepping up to him, “Look here boy, we have no time for your nonsense. We are here for the whie wolf and th white wolf only. So either move aside or I will break your neck”. Not realizing what I was doing, I ran up to Elizabeth. Making her fly through the air, beside Heaven. “You should leave” I growled walking up to her. “We can’t” I heard Heaven say. “And way not”. I said looking at her, but making sure I keep an eye on Elizabeth. “Because, it is our mission to help the white wolf control her powers, we’ve been helping the white wolf for centuries”. “Well I don’t need help” I said stepping back, I couldn’t tell them that I don’t have my powers yet. “So what,” Elizabeth started saying, “you’re saying that you have control over your power? I don’t believe that”. 

“No, I’m not saying that,” I replied softly. “Then let us help you,” Heaven said. “You can’t” I said again, hoping they would just leave. “And way not. Do you know how powerful your powers can be if you don’t learn how to control them?” Elizabeth said, looking at me with daring eyes. “No I don’t,” I growled, “I don’t have my powers yet.” I heard a gasp and looked at Heaven staring at me with shock in her eyes. “Have you even shift in your wolf yet?” Heaven asked. I shook my head ‘yes’. “A white wolf, who doesn’t have her powers yet. Why?” Elizabeth asked. “I don’t know.” I replied, not really wanting to talk to her. “Well then. I guess we wasted our time, Heaven, let’s go.” Elizabeth said while turning around. 

Heaven started walking towards her, but stopped and turned to me, “Don’t mind her,” Heaven began, “here take this”. She handed me a piece of paper with a phone number, assuming it was hers, I stuff it in my pocket, already making a mental note of never using it. Something about them made my skin crawl. 

I turned around looking at Sam, expecting him to yell at me, but he didn’t he just walked off which was a lot worse than him yelling. I ran after him calling his name, trying to get him to stop. I tripped over a tree truck and fell down, scraping my hands. I cussed under my breath, looking up to see Sam looking down at me. I quickly got up walking towards him. “Sam” I said, walking towards him. He stepped back, putting his hand up, I stopped walking feeling hurt. “Sam, are you really mad at me because I talked to those people?” “No, I’m mad because you didn’t stay at the house like I said!” He yelled. I flinched back, not realizing that I did. “Claire,” Sam signed, “all I asked was one thing. Stay in the house.”

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