Chapter 39

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Elizabeth's POV

"You shouldn't have done that" Heaven said behind me. "Yes I should've, I should've done it months ago" I said, getting irritated, I swear she's been getting more irritating every year we are alive. "Why?" She said while grabbing my arm. I stopped, turning around to look at her. "She needed a push and the only way I knew will get her there is to 'try' and kill her mate." I said trying not to show my anger, she's my sister and I love her, but, man she's annoying. "And what if she didn't, what if you killed him, than she would've died also." I turned back around not saying a word, I needed to kill something. "I swear, ever since that dick rejected you all those years ago, you've been acting like you don't even care about our job." I turned around, running at her in full speed. I pinned her up on a tree squeezing her throat. "Don't you dare talk about him" I hissed, I can feel my fangs on my lips. "Listen," Heaven started, "It's not your fault he rejected you." "No it's not," I began, while letting her go," it's her fault, all of them. Sometimes I wished I didn't take this job.

Flashback (centuries ago)
"Heaven let's go" I yelled at her "we are gonna be late". Today is my birthday and I'm fanilly going to meet my mate. My dad and mom is throwing me a birthday party in our ballroom. I heard clicks coming down the stairs and saw Heaven in a beautiful dress. "Happy Birthday sis" Heaven said while hugging me. "Thanks" I replied, "you look gorgeous". "But not as pretty as you". I smiled and took her hand. "Are you nervous" she asked when we reached the doors to the ballroom. "A little but I'm more excited" " I can't wait until I turn sixteen and meet my mate".

"Are you ready, princesses" our main guard asked while bowing, we looked at each other, smiled and shook our heads yes. He opened the door and I took a deep breath, hoping to smell my mate scent, but sadly nothing. Maybe he isn't here yet. "May I present" I heard our guard say, loudly, " Princess Elizabeth and Princess Heaven". Saying that me and Heaven stepped in the room and everybody bowed their heads out of respect. We made it to our mom and dad, bowing our heads and sitting down in our chairs. I took a quick peek at my dad to see him also looking at me, he gave me a smile and turned to face the party.

It's been about two hours since my party started and I have been dancing for most of it, one bad thing about being the princess and the birthday girl, I have to impress. "Anything yet sweetie" I turned around to see my mom walking up to me. Knowing what she meant, i shook my head sadly, "Don't you worry, you will find him, plus there is still one pack that is coming" she said, than took a sip of her wine. "Really" I squeaked, she gave me a disapprove looked and I quickly looked down and said sorry. Princesses should never squeak. "Why are they late" I said, clearly. " Well they live far away, don't worry your father knows the Alpha, they are actually friends".

Me and mom was working back to the Throne when some type of noise went off, I grabbed my ears trying to block, just like everyone else, I fell down. I must've blacked out, the next thing I knew I was being shaken awake by my sister. I looked up to see blood on her dress. "Elizabeth! Wake up! We need to get out of here!" She yelled while helping me up. We ran passed many bodies... died bodies... We got to my room and locked the door while putting everything we could by the door. "What happened" I breathe. "I don't know," Heaven started saying, "one minute I was dancing with some guy, the next I was getting attacked by a rogue". "Are you okay" I asked checking her arm, I completely forgot about the blood.

"Lizzie... mom and dad... they are dead." I backed away, not believing what I was hearing, before I could say anything the door was busted open and at least four or five rogues came in, in wolf form. Before I could swift into my wolf or Heaven, the rogues lunged at us. They threw me down. I knew there was no fighting, they already clawed my stomach and I was losing to much blood. I turned my head to see Heaven, her eyes was looking at me, but they was cold... dead. I knew I was about to go to sleep and never wake back up. I quickly grabbed her hand and whispered 'I love you' than I let the darkness settle in.

I woke up, not feeling nothing but peace. No pain, no sadness, just peace. "Elizabeth!" I turned around to see Heaven running to me, I was so happy to see her. We met in the middle and hugged. I was about to ask her if she knew where we was, but than a shining light blinded us, and a beautiful lady floated down, right than I knew it was the moon goddess, I quickly knew I down with Heaven right beside me. "Please stand up my children" she softly said. We stood up straight. "My children, you are here because I have a important task for you" she said softly but clearly. "What task" Heaven asked. I bump her on the side for being disrespectful, she always spoke her mind.

"I need both of you to train and protect the white wolf, until she, whoever she may be, have mastered her wolf and her power. This is a very important task and not everybody can do it, but I am sure you two can and will, as long as have each other. But there is a catch". Me and Heaven looked at each other confused, white wolves ate just a story, and what does she mean catch?. "What do you mean 'catch'" I asked. "To be the protecter of the white wolves, you will have to change to live for a long time," she began, " you will not only protect and train one white wolf, you will protect and train all of them, has long as you don't have a mate. When you find your mate, than you will die just like everyone else. And that may take centuries".

"How will our bodies change?" Heaven asked. " You will be immortal and because of that, you will be punished, so you will turn into a blood thirsty creature, humans call a vampire." "But we are werewolves". I said protecting what I am. "Yes. And you will stay a werewolf, but you will also turn into a vampire. It's your choice". I turned to Heaven, not knowing what to say. "Mom always said that we had a destiny, that everybody has a destiny. What if this is our destiny. Even though our body will change. Our heart will not". I smiled at her and turned back to the moon goddess. "We accept". She smiled and swinged her hand over us.

I woke up gasping for air, I looked around to see that I'm in the woods. I looked down to see Heaven on the ground next to me. I shook her and she got up also gasping for air. We got up looking at each other, than the worst pain imaginable coast their my body and by the look on Heavens face she was expericing pain also. It lasted about 10 minutes by the time it ended I knew that the Moon Goddess wasn't lying. Our bodies changed, Heavens once green eyes was red and I saw fangs peeping out in her mouth and they wasn't canines either. We walked to our old home seeing it up in flames, knowing everyone we once loved is gone. I turned to Heaven and said, "let's go find her". We turned around and ran.

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