Chapter 42

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Rushing into the hospital, with Sarah and Sam behind me, everybody quickly bowed and said 'Alpha' and 'Luna', if I wasn't so worried about Cassy, I would shows my gratitude that they accept me as their Luna, even though they know we may go to war because of me. I quickly notice the doctor and made a beeline straight to him. He bowed his head, "Alpha, Luna, nice to see you again." "Where my sister." I said, not even giving Sam a chance to say anything. "She's alive." Dan said quietly, I breathe the breath that I didn't know I was holding, but I could tell something else was wrong. "Can I see her?." I asked, well more like commanded. "Of course." Dan said, while turning around, leading me to her room. I tried to prepare myself for what I'm about to see.

When we reached the door, I put my hand on the handle but didn't go in, "How bad is she doc." I asked not looking at him. "I won't lie to you Luna. She's not good, she has a concussion, broken ribs and a broken arm. I think most of the blood was from her mate, but what I'm more worried about is her mental state. Losing a mate is the worst thing that could happen to us." I breathe in,, not really knowing what to do or say. "Thank you" I said quietly. He bowed his head again and left. I was about to open the door when Sam grabbed my hand. "Love," he began, "you don't have to go in. Not right now at least." "I have to, I can't make the same mistake again." Sam shook his head, knowing what I meant, and opened the door for me.

I walked in taking everything in, I could feel the sadness in the air, her wolf is mourning for the lost of her mate. I walked to the chair by her bed and sat down, grabbing her hand. I wanted her to know I'm there for her even if she wasn't awake. "Sam," I spoke after a few minutes of silence, " What's going to happen to her." I looked up at him, feeling the tears in my eyes. He bend down, grabbing my hand in the progress. "I don't know Love, she's going to be sad for a while, but as long as you stay by her and be her sister and love her, she's going to be fine." I smiled and hugged him, "I don't know what I'll do if I lost you." I whispered into his neck. "You want have to" Sam replied, kissing the side of my head.

We let each other go just in time to see Cassy's eyes open. "Cassy..." I said getting a little closer. She opened her eyes fully, checking her surroundings. "Claire, what happened." "You got attacked" I said carefully. Than realization shined into her eyes, "omg... Matt... where is he?" I looked at her than at Sam, not having the heart to tell her that her one and only mate died. Already knowing what I wanted him to do, he took a step closer and breath in, he wasn't even ready to tell her. "Cassy, I'm so sorry, but he didn't make it." "No... no, you much be lying." Cassy said, while trying to convince herself of what she was saying, but I could tell she was losing the battle. Soon she began crying, I didn't know what to do. Hug her or let her have her space for now. I was about to hug her when she popped her head up, all I could see was hate and rage in her eyes, all of it pointing towards me. "You," she began pointing at me, "this is your fault, all of it." She got up quickly and walked towards me.

Sam, knowing what was about to happen, pushed me behind him to separate me and Cassy, but that didn't stop her from saying terrible things. "This is all your fault, everything. You killed our birth mother, you killed our stepmother, you even killed our father. You left me with no parents, and than I got a mate, someone who loved me, then you killed him too." She said trying to get to me, but Sam blocked her. I just stood there, frozen, not wanting to believe what I'm hearing. "Enough" Sam growled,  but Cassy didn't listen, she just kept talking. "It's your fault that we left the city, it's your fault that this pack is in a middle of a war, and of course I'm the one who got hurt in the cross fire." I could feel my wolf getting mad and upset at the same time, and I could feel Sam getting angry. I quicklky grabbed his hand, to try and calm him down, it work, a little.

"Cassy," I said slowly, "I'm sorry I-". She cut me off by growling, my wolf didn't like it and to tell you the truth I didn't either, but I also know she's upset. It took all of my strength to push Snow far in my head. I heard Sam growl, I quickly tugged him back, afrasid of what he may do to her, she disrespected the Luna and his mate. "I don't want you damn apologises, I never want to see you again. We may be blood, but we are not sisters, I am done getting hurt by one." With that said she turned around facing the window. I started walking to her but I stopped mid walk. I turned my heels around and walked out of the room and walked out of the hospital, ignoring Sam's and Sarah's calls. Soon I was in the woods, striping my clothes and swifting. I let Snow take all of the control, she grabbed my clothes and ran, neither of us saying a word.

We've been running for hours, making distance between the hospital and us... or is it between me and Sam? Right now I don't know what I'm doing or thinking. There's only three words that keeps playing in my mind 'It's my fault.' Is it my fault? Am I the one who killed my parents, am I the one who got Matt killed and got Cassy hurt? Am I the one who is causing a war for this pack? Sam always said none of it was my fault, but is it? Snow stopped running letting me get some control, "Where are we" I asked, not recognizing this part of the woods. I'm about two miles out of the pack border, if Sam finds me here his gonna kill me. "We are close to the place where Matt and Cassy got attacked." She said still walking. I tried getting more control, but Snow just kept pushing me back. " Why are you here!" I screamed, not liking this at all. "If Sam finds us here, his gonna be piss off." I pushed back when she she stopped. "Listen Claire, I don't ask for a lot from who, nor you me, but I'm asking you to trust me. Something doesn't feel right. Please." She let me take control and told me where to go, I obliged.

When we got there all I smelled was blood, hint of rogues, Cassy's scent and Matt's. What were they doing this far from the pack land, clearly Matt was smart enough not to come this far without backup, not when we are in a middle of a war. I walked farther, where there was a big pool of blood. I could tell it was Matt's, to tell you the only blood I can smell has to be Matt's no sign of Cassy's blood anywhere. I know she got in a fight, the doctor said. How is there not her blood around here? I walked around, not knowing what I was trying to find, but I know I had to find something. Something to know why there was here and not in the pack land. I was walking in front of a bush when something shiny caught me eyes. I pushed the brush away with my nose, there I saw a knife with blood all over it. I picked it up with my teeth and moved it to the moonlight. "Is that-" "My dad's first knife." I interrupted Snow. Why is his knife out here? And why is it coated in Matt's blood?

I quickly picked up my stuff and ran straight to the house, not stopping. Once I got there, I swift and walked to the gym and opened the door where my weapons are. There I got a big wiff of Cassy's scent, she never went in here unless she was with me. Still holding the knife I walked to the case where I had his knife at and in there I saw another knife, one that looked exactly liked the one I have in my hand. I was about to open the case when I heard footsteps walking I  here, knowing it was Sam. "Claire, where have you been? What are you doing in here" I could here the worry in his voice, but right all I want to find out is why Cassy had this knife and why Matt's blood was all around that spot but not Cassy's.

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