Chapter 44

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Sam's POV

I woke up to see my beautiful mate sleeping on my chest, last night was a very special night for both of us. Now, no matter what, she is mine. I wanted to wake her to hear her beautiful but she looks so peaceful, all of her stress and worry vanishes when she sleeps. I wish I could take it all away when she's awake, but I can't and it pains me that she had so much worried, so much pain in her life, especially when she got taken from me.

With that thought I tightened my hold on her, making sure she doesn't leave me. I will not lose her again. I heard a soft sigh and some movement, I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be sleeping. Soon I felt her hand on my face sparks jumping up and down, since last night happened our bond is closer than ever, we are closer than ever. "You are so handsome," I heard Claire whisper. "Why thank you so much, my love," with that I flipped us so I was on top of her. Knowing she was naked, I growled and started attacking her neck. I knew so was blushing and I just made her blush more. She intwine her fingers in my hair and started lighting tugging. "Sam" she moaned, when I bit my mark I made on her, proving she is mine.

Before we could continue, I heard the door open and slam shut than Sarah yelling our names, "Claire!!!! Sam!!!! Stop fucking each other and get down here!!!" I put my head in the croak of her neck and graon. "I'm going to kill her" Claire said while shaking her head. I chuckle and pushed up looking at her fully. "Lets go before she decides to come in the room". I kissed and got off the bed, knowing that if I stay there I ain't letting her leave the bed.

We walked down the stairs to see Sarah rumbaging in the kitchen. "Oh yea, eat all our food, it ain't like you live here" Claire said sarcastically, but I saw a little smile forming at the edge of her lips. Claire pushed Sarah out of the way of the fridge and pulled out some eggs and bacon. "Pushy, pushy" Sarah whispered. Claire laughed and so did I.

After Claire made breakfast, she made me and Sarah and plate and sat down with hers next to me. Pulling the chair closer to me, I quickly kissed her on the cheek and started eating. After a few minutes of eating in silent, I can feel the tension in the air, after what happened last night with Claire's sister, I can tell Claire is still pissed off, but there is also another emotion in her, I just can't pin point it. "So, is anyone going to tell what exactly happened last night at the hospital. I mean one minute Cassy was there, than I stepped out of the room and poof she's gone." I saw Claire tense up, knowing that particular subject is still edgey with her. I put my hand on her thigh and squeeze, sending her sweet thought through the mindlink.

She untensed and started eating again, ignoring Sarah's question. Hopefully Sarah got the hint, and she did thank the moon goddess. "Is she still upset about what Cassy said last night? Or did something else happen." Sarah asked though the mindlink. "I'll tell you about it later." I said, not leaving room for a agruement. I got up and put my plate in the sink kissing Claire goodbye.

Claire POV

All throughout breakfast, all I could think about was last night, it was so magical, I never thought I would be actually ready to do that with him... or anybody, not what happened to me in the paat, but now all I want to do is stay in bed with him. That was until Sarah mentioned Cassy, now all I can think about is what that bitch did. I know she's my sister and I know I shouldn't call her names and give her the benefit of doubt, but the evidence, the coincidences is to much to ignore. Can she be with him? With Taylor? Or was it because the death of her mate? As soon as Sam lefted I cleaned the dishes and told her I was going to the gym. I know she knows something is up, I want to tell her, but I don't know how or what to say. Cassy was her friend too, how do I tell someone that their friend, that the Luna's sister may or may not be against the pack.

I was heading to the gym when I heard rustling in the woods, and a wolf stepped out, luckily she was a pack member according to her scent. She stepped closer bowing her head at the same time. I opened my mindlink, "May I help you" I asked nicely, I hate using my Luna's voice, only whenever I need to, like a emergency use, so I talk like any other person. "Hi Luna, I don't know if you remember me or not. My name is Laci, the Beta Female." Laci... Laci... oh yea, i remember her, we had a lot in common, the last time we met was at the Luna ceremony. "Yes I remember you, why don't you swift back and we can talk face to face." She bowed her head and walked to the woods.

She is a few inches shorter than me with dark brown hair, that looks black in you just glance at her, she has a slender face a with brown eyes and a slender body. She came closer to me, about 2 or 3 feet away bowing her head. "Luna," she started, " I am sorry that I came to your home unannounced-" I interrupted her mid-sentence saying, "nonsense, you don't have to be sorry and you are welcome anytime has you please, and please call me Claire." I smiled at her sweetly. I could see the shock in her face. "Is their something wrong." I asked her worried. "Oh I'm n-no Lu- Claire" she stuttered, "I guess I was wasn't expecting you to say that I could call you by your name." At that time I was walking backing to the porch with her following me, I sat down and motioned my hand for her to sit where she liked.

"Why's that" I asked her curiously. "Well, the Alpha always wants us to call him alpha." I wasn't surprise about that, Sam was born in the line of where people has to show him respect and I totally understand, but with me, it's still feels weird when people show me a lot of respect, so I let try to not abuse my power and be like everyone else, unless of course I need to use it. Even though Sam keeps telling me that it's how we keep control of the pack, if we let them slide than they will try to over power us, but I don't believe that, the pack has to much respect for Sam and me. " Claire, are you okay?" Laci asked looking at me. "Huh, oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that I zoned out for a long time." She smiled. "Me and Sam is a little different, He was born in power, I wasn't. So I'm not had comfortable with my status and using it." "Oh I understand that."

"What do you mean," I asked couriously. "Well at my old pack, I was just a pack member, I cleaned and sometimes cooked, and when Toby found me and told me I was the next Beta Female, it felt a little weird for a while, still does. Me being just a pack member, I'm use of showing respect, not really demanding the respect. My old Alpha and Luna was harsh always making us show our best respect to them and if we step out of line it wasn't good. So I guess I'm use to making sure I respect the Alpha and Luna has best has I could." "I forgot you wasn't from here," I started, "but I promise you, I will never abuse my status, I have confidence that my pack members will respect me without me telling them or demanding them, and I will also respect them. The only time I will use my Luna voice is if something happens that I need too."

"You are very different from, a lot of the werewolves I had met. Status or not, everybody wants to make the others respect them, demand respect. No wonder why everybody respects you, you have faith in your pack that they will respect and protect you no matter what, you don't demand it and you don't abuse it. I like that has a person." I smiled. I was about to say something when Sarah walked out of the house. "I thought you was going in the gym" she said. "I was until Laci came by." She shook her head, seating down between me and Laci. I could cut the tension with a knife. "Did something happen between you two?" I asked both of them. "Yes, but it's nothing, besides it's private." Sarah said looking at Laci with hard eyes. I was taken aback at how harsh she said it, she never spoke to me like before. "Sarah" I said making her look at me. I looked into her eyes, showing her that I and my wolf didn't like how she spoke to me. She also looked into my eyes, not backing down, I quickly flashed my eyes. She quickly looked down and breathed.

"Okay, alright, fine I'll tell you" she huffed. "It was about two maybe three years ago, she just became Beta Female and her wolf felt the power and was controlling her more than she was controlling the wolf." I could see Laci shrink down in her chair, embarrassed. I looked at Sarah to continue. "Anyways, I was on a ran not really paying attention, it was pretty late. When I was running I ran right into her. Well I tried to say sorry because it was my fault, but she started growling. I guess she thought I was trying to challenge her, I tried to back out, knowing Laci wasn't in control. We started fighting, it got pretty brutal. When finally I pinned her down, making her submit, and she did, but still it's still tension between us." I was about to say something when Laci started talking. "I'm really am sorry Sarah, I guess I wasn't a good Beta Female." "Well," I said, "it was three years ago, and it was a accident, but I also understand that it was a pretty big deal, especially between your wolves, but I think you guys should try to make up. Everybody makes mistakes, and we should try to overcome that mistake. Not forget it though, but we can learn from it."

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