Chapter 45

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Alright guys, so I'm gonna start wrapping up the book, these next few chapters a lot of things is gonna happen, but don't worry I'm gonna explain them also. Thanks to everyone who has gone this far into the book 😁

Five months later

It's been five months, the best five months ever. Me and Sam has been more connected than ever, Sarah and Laci became good friends. Sarah also found her mate, so did Heaven and Elizabeth. It was actually a surprising day when that happened. Also since Matt died, Sarah's mate Dylan became the Third in Command. Since he is the son of the top warrior, Sam thought Dylan was a good choice of Third in Command and his right, things hasn't been better. I've also been learning how to control my powers, except just for them coming out when someone's in trouble, and to tell you the truth, I've been doing pretty good. At least that's what Heaven says, Elizabeth is still the same, the only time I see her happy is when her mate Colby is with her. Also, since me and Sam has so much on our plates, we decided to quit school, though it was hard for me to decide cause I always thought I was going to finish, I'm glad I did quit, it gives me more time to focus on what's important. Like Sam, and the upcoming war.

Even though things as been going well, we don't have much problems with rogues or even heard about any rogues near our neighboring pack, I still have a feeling something is about to happen and soon, like very soon.

With that thought always nagging me in my head, my whole time of the day, if I don't go to the pack house, I stay in the gym and train. That's what I'm doing right now, when Sarah walked in. "Are you still training?" Sarah asked, not shocked at all. "Yes," I said focusing my attention back at the punching bag. Even though Heaven says I should practice my powers, I don't. Me and Snow both agree we are going to fight fairly with our fist, claws, or weapons and not with our powers, unless they are our last option. Don't get me wrong, I accepted who I am but that doesn't been I should use my powers all the time.

"You should really take it down a notch. You're going to wear yourself out" Laci said, walking towards me. I turned around to see both of them looking at me worried. Everybody knows I haven't been myself lately, and I hadn't. I've been so worried lately that these rogues will show up all of a sudden and everybody dies. I guess that's my dream talking though. " I'll be okay" I said stepping aside of them. I saw them looking at each other, probably talking with the mindlink. "Alright you two," i began, "What do you want?" "Well we talked to Sam and he wanted us to take you somewheres. Like to the mall or something, to get you out of the house." "Wait, Sam wants me to leave the house." Normally he wants me to either stay at the house or at the pack house, when his not beside me. "Yes," Sarah started while walking up to me, "we all know u hadn't been the same. Especially after what happened with Cassy." I clenched my jaw when I heard Cassy's name. It's been months and I still hadn't heard from her.

Sarah signed, knowing what she said, "Look Claire, you need to have fun in your life. You can't just continue looking into the future or you will miss the present. I know you are worried about if the rogues come back, but right now, there is no sign of them. So, why don't you have fun while you can, if not, you will look make and regret it". I know she was right, hell about everything. I have been pushing myself harder than I normally do, but with everything that happened to me. I don't want to be helpless, not again. But I do know that I need to have fun, you only live once. "Okay Sarah. You're right." I said walking towards her. "So, what are we gonna do." Laci said, excitedly. We was walking out the door when I looked towards the woods. Snow turned around in my head, panting, wanting to go on a true relaxing run. "How about we go for a run"? I asked, than continued before they could say anything, "I hadn't been on a true run in a while." And it was true, if I'm in wolf form, it's to train. Heaven and Elizabeth has been training me to use my powers in wolf form and to their surprise and mine, I have been picking it up quickly.

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