14| Man On The Run

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Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.
- Carl Jung

Derek could see the edge of the cliff, approaching

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Derek could see the edge of the cliff, approaching.He knew the drop would be fatal. His last hope of making it out of this alive was to smash the window with the assistance of his feet, and lunge himself out before the car flew off the cliff. Derek had been convinced the inhuman creature wanted them to depart off together in some sick and twisted fantasy played out in her head.He could see the way she looked at him.The way those black stained, razor sharp teeth grinned at him, as if it were enjoying every minute of the hell it was putting Derek through. She was a sadist by nature, evil incarnate with an insatiable fixation for trying to ruin his life. He wouldn't let it happen.That bitch had another thing coming.

He glanced down in the midst of all madness and relentless struggle at escaping her clutches, fully fired up and ready to go. He was aware of the situation he was in. It was like nothing he had ever imagined. It was a nightmare turned into a terrifying reality. He realised his hands were of no use to him now and Melissa's bobby pin was way out of reach, for him to dig down his pocket and grab them in time. They they were only seconds away from plunging off the cliff. The crazy woman showed no mercy of where their fate was going to end up. She was already dead, and from the looks of it, she wanted him six feet under too.

She was now in the driver's seat - literally, the officer beside her had been brutally massacred to death. Derek could see the man's spleen hanging on the dashboard moving to and fro, in his direction. He had to force his attention away from it. Derek found it totally sickening what she did to them, and he knew she wasn't going to stop there; she had only just begun her reign of terror.

There was blood and body, parts everywhere, from the police officers, she'd savagely butchered to death. All that was left was Derek and this deranged woman, who was trying to execute out her sinister, plan, and that was putting him in his grave. He just couldn't fathom why she had so much hatred for him - for someone she didn't even know.

Derek could see the cliff, getting closer- nearer. He had a deep sickening feeling inside him - wondering if his plan would work in time. He realized, it wa do or die now, he was grasping at straws and he knew his time was limited. The cliff was nearly upon them, fully aware he had not a second to lose. He squeezed his eyes, closed and gathered what little strength he had left in him, and booted out the window, with both feet, the loud smash of the window being broken, was nothing compared to those women's hideous and relentless screams, as she tried to wrestle him back in the car.

With days of pent up frustration building inside him, he pushed harder then he ever did in his life, and slid his body, down on the seats nudging the dead officer over with his shoulder, so he could get past him. The shattered glass pieces from the window, were like knives; mercilessly stabbing him, the further he got to the window. Their eyes met for the last time, and he shot her a look of confidence that her plan had once again backfired.

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