19| The Great Escape

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God is cruel sometimes he makes you live.
- Stephen King.

Melissa had been perched on the brown plaid sofa with heavy oak arms that belonged to her sister April's house after she breastfed Holly, taking in the subtle breeze of a winter's first morning that poured in from the window outside

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Melissa had been perched on the brown plaid sofa with heavy oak arms that belonged to her sister April's house after she breastfed Holly, taking in the subtle breeze of a winter's first morning that poured in from the window outside.

She looked around at this house knowing it would be her home for the time being. If she was being honest with herself she hadn't been particularly over-enthralled of living under the same roof as April, but she was grateful to at least have a roof over her head until she could figure what she was going to do with the rest of her life and where she was going end up.

Her sister April had stayed in a fair-sized house. An American dream house set amidst a magnificent quiet, little rolling countryside just outside of Highbury Hills. Considering she was destitute with nowhere to go, she counted herself rather lucky, to say the least.

It was easily the kind of home Melissa could have imagined living in with Derek and Holly. It had everything from a: gazebo, to a screened-in front porch, and a family-sized pool, with massive acres of lush, stretched-out grounds, bearing an uncanny similarity to the one she and her sister grew up in as a child.

After she had spent a good portion of making the most of her dull and mundane morning, Melissa decided to clean up the house to pass the time away.

She wrote a letter to her favourite cousin, Lenore who stayed in Oklahoma City about how much she missed Derek. After her parents were murdered, she had no one left in the family she could turn to for guidance or emotional support, other than her sister, who she believed only put up with her being there for Holly's sake.

Melissa got up off the sofa when she heard the kettle had stopped boiling to go make herself a cup of Earl Grey tea and watch gone with the wind on the television to pass the time away until Holly woke up for her next feed.

She started to hear a song play on the radio that reminded her of Derek again and switched it off. No matter how hard she tried to push everything that happened out of her mind, she still couldn't come to terms with what took place at her father's house.

How Derek passed out after killing her him. The way the police ended up dragging him away unconscious, still lay etched in her mind and would remind her every now and then the minute she switched on the news.

She began to wonder if him losing his career, as a doctor and having Holly made him feel inadequate as a father and drove him to these heinous crimes that had gone against everything he believed in.

If that wasn't bad enough, the people in these parts were calling Derek the next Ted Bundy or America's own Jack the Ripper which made her only want to isolate herself more from the world. She could see it on their faces whenever she would go to the supermarket or even just to fill her tank up at the gas station, everyone would distance themselves and sometimes even refuse to serve her.

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