Chapter 2 - Mike

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Jeez, why do I have to do an introduction like this?

My name is Mike Anderson. My super nosy family lives in San Diego. My dad, Mack, is half brazilian half american, my mom, Molly, is half italian half phillipino. How did my grandparents meet? I have no idea. How did my parents meet? They told me they met on the cruise. Well, I doubt it. Maybe they had one night stand from the bar and the one became two and three until now.

I have 2 nosy big sisters who married with other mixes. My 1st sister, Mattia, married to a mixed cuban - mexican guy, my 2nd sister, Michiel, married to a mixed indian - thai guy. Yes we are an M family, with a misspelling name. Maria, Michelle and Michael... Mattia, Michiel and Mikael. That's why I always go with Mike instead of Mikael. Thanks mom... And, yes my family love mixed people. Racism is far from my family and I'm proud of that. But, sometimes I hate it. My parents always want to introduce me and play matchmaker with another mixed woman. Because they want to keep that in their tradition. What if I meet the one who is a non mixed woman? Um.. anyway, I think for now I'm far for being in a relationship. Because of my status in Hall Industries, every woman just wants a piece of me to get to my pocket.

Why did I call my family nosy? Oh you will know when you meet them.. take your time, buddy!

I just got back from China a day before Ethan, my boss and best friend, and his lovely fiancé's wedding. I'm tired as fuck, but I wouldn't miss his wedding. Not because I'm his groomsman or he is my boss, but he is my best friend. We met in Harvard. Since my family never got into Hollywood, I didn't know he is Ethan Hall from the infamous Hall family. We've been friends for 2 years, until I realized he came from the famous filthy rich family. I thought he was just a rich kid with a genius brain.

I call my assistant, not really my assistant. She is just an intern but to say she is stupid is understatement. All she wants is to get into my pants. "Brenda?"

"Hi Mike, are you back?" comes her high-pitched voice. Maybe she should audition in the Voice or something like that rather than be my assistant.

"Hey, I told you yesterday that I need an update from the office. Did you send it to my email? Because I couldn't find it"



"Wait... I don't remember you told me that. You left for two weeks. I barely remember anything you told me. But I still remember your sexy face and broad shoulders" Jesus!

"I sent the instruction to you yesterday Brenda, before I boarded the jet. To your email" I say reining my temper.

"You do? why you didn't tell me. I didn't check it" she complains

What the fuck!

"You should text me" she says like it's my fault for not text her.

"You didn't link your company email to your phone?" What kind of assistant are you?

"No. It's too noisy and it makes me stress" somehow I can feel she is rolling her eyes inside her fake eyelashes.

I take a deep breath. Either that or I will start shouting at her.

"Are you tired Mike? I can come to your apartment and make you feel better" she giggles.

I hang up the phone. See! Stupid is understatement for her.

I email the HR to find me another assistant and fire Brenda now. Thank God I have a backup. Ethan knows about my drama with my assistant, he is so lucky to have 3 consecutive the best executive assistants ever. Sarah, Madeline (who is going to be his life's assistant soon) and his new assistant who is Madeline's friend. I've never seen her. They hired her when Madeline found out she is pregnant, and since then my pussy whipped best friend asked me to take over all the outside country's job because he wants to stay in LA with his pregnant fiance. Last month he had to go to France because I was still in India, and he had a 2 days job squeezed in a day. So he could come back to the love of his life as soon as possible. Crazy, right?

Ethan will lend me his new executive assistant for 2 weeks when he will go for his honeymoon. So at least I have 2 weeks with a capable assistant, better if this woman can find me a new assistant as good as her.

I go to the office and do MY ASSISTANT job. I should have work from home since I just came back and jet lagged. But I can't because tomorrow I will be busy with Ethan's wedding. Monday he will be gone. That means I have to take control of the Hall Industries. I need to finish my pending job today. Thank you Brenda!


The Hall Cherry Blossom Grove. I've been here more than 5 times, but it still mesmerized me. This place is so beautiful. I walk to the room, Ethan is ready with his tux and looks happy "Congratulations dude!" I come and hug him. He grins widely "thanks Mike"

I fist bump with Christian Hall, Ethan's cousin and best man. "So, you are the next?" I ask him

He grins "let's pray for the best"

I chuckle and shake my head "God, the Hall men is down one by one"

"Wait until your turn, Mike" Christian says.

"Nah... I don't think so." I shrug

Ethan chuckles "I thought that too until I met Madeline. When you find the one you will look this in different way"

"I know, E... look at my parents. All lovey dovey. But it's hard for me to find a great woman. With all the status I have. Thanks to you"

"That's your own fault, you fell to the hole!" Ethan laughs, Christian too.

I give them a look. But Ethan is right. My own fault. I know I'm handsome. Ethan and I were famous in campus. Two handsome smart guy. I'm not as rich as Ethan but my family is ok, middle high class. By that time, the girls are waiting in the line for us. But I was so focused on my school. I want to be a successful man.

After I graduated, Ethan took me under his wings in Hall Industries. I started from the bottom with Ethan. He learned all the divisions of this company, and his grandfather also gave me the same chance. So here I am, at the young age as the COO of the giant company of Hall Industries. Ethan Hall's right hand man, got approval by the greatest Michael Hall. My career is getting better and better. My savings is getting larger and larger. I thought my love life would get better and better too. But I was wrong. I fell to the hole like Ethan said. I love women and sex (who doesn't?) They came to me and I welcomed it. With my money, power, and face. I have everything. I enjoyed it at that time, but I didn't see this coming. I became famous as Mr. One Night Stand. It makes me hard to find a great woman. I couldn't find a decent woman with my reputation. So, here I am. Standing here with my two friends happily talking about the love of their life, and I just can say... I have no idea if that day will come to me...

I look at the watch, it's almost the time "E, I'm going to check on your bride"

Ethan nods, and suddenly he looks nervous. I come to him and tap his shoulder. "You got this buddy! She is a great woman.. no, great is understatement for soon to be Mrs. Madeline Hall... She is perfect for you" I grin and Ethan grins back "damn right!" he says.


I'm looking for the wedding planner when a woman walks past me with her pink gown. I turn to her but she keeps walking. Her hips sway seductively, she has a great ass, her black thick hair sleek behind her back almost touching her ass. This is sexy. I feel my dick twitch. Who is she? Madeline's relative? I chuckle to myself. Maybe I can get laid tonight. It's been a while since Madeline got pregnant, Ethan throws half of his overseas job to me (lazy bastard!) and I don't have time to get laid. Need to break the dry spell tonight baby!

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