Chapter 30 - Mike

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"Hi Mike"

God... I miss her so much...

This past week I became a professional stalker. Everyday I asked Troy to see whether Rainey had her lunch or not. I went to Monty's Bar waiting in my car just to make sure Rainey came back to her car and drove home safely. I even waited for her in front of her trapeze studio. I asked my mom to remind Rainey to eat her meal. And she annoyed because she already texted Rainey even before I asked her to. Mom loves Rainey and she keeps asking me to give Rainey a chance.

Not to mention Madeline and Ethan are getting annoyed with me. They wanted me to talk to her instead of being a freaking stalker but I'm too stubborn to talk to her. Ethan even told me that I'm too stupid to enroll to the Relationship 101 class. The fuck with that class! I do nothing wrong!

Jesus Christ, she is another man's fiancé, and somehow I still can't let her go. And when I heard the news about her fiancé with another man, I was struggling with myself. I should've been partying while telling her karma is bitch, but in spite of doing that I was ready to go to Kirk Winterland and punch his pretty face. Open relationship or not, he should be more secretive about his rendezvous.

I inhale deeply and look at Rainey. "What do you want, Rainey?"

She comes closer to me. Her eyes glassy, her face looks awful. It punches me in the gut. But she is still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Mike... can we talk?" she says softly.

"You're already here. Can I say no?" I can't help the coldness in my voice.

She swallows. "If... if you don't want to listen to my explanation that's fine... I can go now... But I really hope you give me a chance to explain to you"

I look at her for a while and asked, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yes and no"

"What do you mean?"

"Half a year ago I was struggling with John's surgery. We don't have enough money for that.. I just quit my job. I don't know how I can get that much money. Kirk came to me and told me if I want to be his girlfriend, accompany him to the events... he can help me to get the money for John"

"Oh wow... you are an escort?"

She shakes her head "it's not like what you think..."

"He asked you to be his girlfriend, his date, and he paid you. If that's not an escort then what?"

"Will you let me explain, Mike?" she says weakly.

I exhale and look at her.

"At that time John has to do the immediate surgery. So I agreed with Kirk. I pretended to be his girlfriend. I met his father as his girlfriend. We told him that we were together for 2 years. But we're not."

"and you slept with him?"

"Never Mike" she says firmly.

I chuckle, but it's more like a mock "c'mon Rainey you're not a virgin."

Her tears leak from her eyes "I'm telling you the truth Mike. Kirk has his own secret. It's not my position to tell you... but... I never sleep with him. We never kiss. He just kissed my cheek in front of his dad. That's all... Sometimes his dad called me when he couldn't reach Kirk. I covered him up"

I shake my head in disbelief. What game is she playing with Kirk Winterland?

"That's the truth, Mike. We didn't even know senator Winterland was planning to hold the engagement party. I told Kirk I wanted to end the charade even before you asked me to be your girlfriend. He agreed, but he asked my help one last time to come with him to this charity"

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