Chapter 10 - Rainey

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Excuse me. What he said just now?

I take a glance at Monty. Jesus. My boss for 4 years falls for Mike's charm in a minute.

Monty looks at his watch "go home young lady. It's late"

"But we haven't clean up yet"

"I'll take care of it with Mariam and the others" Mariam is Monty's wife.

I shake my head "I can't this is my job"

"C'mon Rainey. When will you stop arguing with me" he frowns.

"When will you stop interfering with my job? Look at the glasses. I haven't wiped all of them. And the chairs are still messed up"

Before Monty can say another words, Mike interfere us "I'll help you"

"What?" We both look at him.

He shrugs and starts to roll his sleeves. God, his hands are so sexy. Okay, I'm getting crazy.

"No you are the client. You don't have to—" before Monty can finish his words, Mike cuts him.

"Look. We both want this stubborn hard working woman to go home and take her rest, right? And we both know she wouldn't do that until there is nothing for her to do here" Mike smiles and Monty smiles at him "I like you, young man"

Mike chuckles "I'm going to clean up the table" he takes the napkin from my belt and starts the work. How come he knows that napkin is for the table. Unless he kept an eye on me...

I look at him. He is so handsome even in his crumpled shirt, no tie and suit, messy hair. And I feel someone is watching me. I look at Monty. He is grinning at me. I clear my throat and finish my tomato soup in record time.

"You're not going to say anything to me, young lady?"

I shake my head and point my full mouth. Telling him I can't speak.

He chuckles "this one is a keeper. Trust me" he walks to help Mike cleans the table.

I exhale and look at Mike. Why does he have to be so nice to me? Does he seriously want to pursue me?


Mike walks me to my car. The Nissan Altima. "Thank you for today, Mike" I smile at him.

He nods "drive safe" he opens the door for me. I slide inside and close the door. I open the window "see you tomorrow"

He nods "see you tomorrow. Good night Rainey"

I smile and drive away. I look at the rearview mirror. He is still standing there. I focus on the road. How can a man be that perfect?

I arrived at my apartment and cleaned up. Ready to sleep my phone is ringing. I look at it. Mike.

"Hello, Mike"

"Hey, you arrived?"

I giggle "yes Mike. Thank you for checking me out. Actually I already arrived around 10 mins ago and now I'm ready to sleep"

"Shit. Sorry. Did I wake you up?"

I laugh. "No. I just put my ass on the bed"

He exhales relief. "Phew"

I laugh. "What about you?"

"Just finished showering" and damn. The image of Mike emerging from a foggy toilet with just a towel on his hips comes to my mind. Something tingle in my body. Stop!

"I want to call you when I arrived, but I'm afraid you are still on the road"

I smile to myself "thanks Mike" I say softly.

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