Chapter 32 - Mike & Rainey

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I drove Rainey back to her apartment, she didn't say a word to me like she was lost in her thought and I... I don't know what to say. There are too many what ifs in my head. I regret that I never gave her a chance to tell me that night when Senator Winterland told the press about the engagement. I regret that when she told me the truth I was too focused to snap at her relationship with Kirk Winterland instead of asking her what the real deal is. I should've known that the thing is not as simple as Kirk just wants her as his date. I should've asked Rainey and demanded the truth which is I'm sure she would tell me.

When mom came to me that day, she asked me about Rainey. I came clean to her. Told her about everything. She told me that she already expected that. But she was sure that both of us would come to our senses and try it for real. I told mom it was real, at least on my part. She told me I was a fool if I ever think that it wasn't real for Rainey. But at that time I was busy nursing my broken heart. I didn't want to listen to mom. But still, when mom said she wanted to see Rainey. I asked her to remind Rainey that she has to eat, not to skip her meal. She said she would do that even without I'm asking her. Matt, Mich even dad also called to talk some sense to me. But my ego was bruised. I thought Rainey used me for her fun while her boyfriend in Texas and she is here.

Madeline, Ethan, Christian and Meredith also asked me to listen to Rainey. But I was too stubborn. I swear, Madeline almost eats me for being stubborn. Meredith even asked me to check with Jack if I wasn't sure with Rainey. But I didn't do any of their suggestions. I was too busy mad at Rainey.

When the paint from John delivered to my apartment, I looked at it there was something punched me in the gut. It was like John told me that what I have with Rainey is real. Despite everything that happened I should give Rainey a chance to tell me her side's story.

But again, I was too stubborn to do what my family, John, and my friends told me. I was busy angry at Rainey. All the while I didn't realize she is hurting as well. Now I just realized that she looks so small, she lost her weight and looks so vulnerable. I should be able to see that when I was at Ethan's floor the day Kirk Winterland was caught in the hotel with his lover. But my mind was cloudy with jealousy.

We arrived at her apartment. I don't want her to go. I don't want this to end. What a stupid words. I was the one who asked her to go and I was the one who ended our relationship.

Thank God, there is a spot right in front of her apartment. I park my car and go down without asking her. She opens her door before I can come to open it for her.

She comes to me and smiles softly "thank you Mike. For... everything. Since yesterday you took me to the hospital and waited for me, and today you protected me from senator. I owe you too much" her eyes glassy. "I guess you can put two two together about the situation"

I nod. Rainey helped Kirk because he is a gay, and his crazy father doesn't want him to be a gay. He asked Rainey to be his steady girlfriend to buy him time.

She nods "good then. I'm sorry I hurt you Mike. I guess this is it..." she exhales "goodbye Mike" she looks at me, I don't know what to do. My whole body and soul scream no to me. Command me to hold her and don't let her go but somehow I just stare at her.

She smiles sadly and walks away. "I walk you to your apartment" I say.



I can't find my keys. My eyes are too blurry from the tears. I'm trying to hold my tears. God help me find the keys to my door so I can open it, say goodbye to Mike and close the door behind me. And I can cry my heart out.

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