Chapter 12 - Rainey

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Did you know even though you hate coward, you could be that coward itself? Like now, I'm being silly with Mike. I texted him earlier this morning to tell him he doesn't have to pick me up because I'm going to the office with Uber. And... from his text I know he pissed with me.

But I need some space. I mean I was so sure with myself that I don't want anything to do with Mike. But after last night, just with him for a few hours... I know I want him more than I wanted my exes. And like a coward, I tried to avoid him as much as possible. It's not hard since I have some interview today, and Mike busy in his office. After all, you don't get the job as COO by being a lazy.

So, I come to the office, give Mike his schedule for the day and arrange anything he needs me to do. After that I go to the HR floor. All the time in his office, his eyes bored to mine. And I deliberately ignored it.

Yes yes I know I'm the biggest coward in the world. I will face him once I feel better, okay!


"I would love to know Mike personally and professionally " the woman smiles seductively at me. Little does she knows, Mike is not even here and I AM the one in this room. I exhale. How come the HR let this woman got through the filter? She is another Brenda. I wouldn't be surprised if she said she is Brenda's sister.

"Last question, Ms Wright" and the worst we shared the same last name. "In you resume you said you've been worked for 3 years in the..." I look at the paper "Wright Media... where is it? I mean I searched for the company and I couldn't find it. Does they have a website?" I doubt the media nowadays doesn't have website but I asked her anyway since I couldn't find it.

She laughs and leans closer to me. Lower her voice. "just you and I okay... that company never exists"

"Sorry?" I ask dumbly.

"Yes. I just made up on the company so my resume will look great" she winks

I'm done with this shit.

"Thank you Ms. Wright. We will contact you later" I close her file.

She stands up. I just realized her dress is malfunction. Or at least I think it's malfunction. It doesn't even try to cover her breasts. And I think it's a top instead of dress. Jesus Christ. I've spent my precious 10 mins for nothing. She goes out with her heavy perfume. I lean back on my seat. I can't have this kind of interview anymore. It will decrease my IQ.

I look at my watch. Hopefully we will have a great candidate. I inhale deeply and go to the door. I look at another 3 candidates. Jesus.. why we have a lot of Brenda clones? I brace myself and start the interview.


I go back to Mike's floor after the crazy disaster with the candidates. No one is capable. Like NO ONE!

I know Mike doesn't have any meeting until 3pm. I open his door. There he is. Sit in his chair, looking super delicious in his suit and-- shit!

"Mike" I come to him. He is grinning at me "miss me?" he stands up and comes to me.

I roll my eyes. "I'm serious"

"Me too. After you deliberately avoiding me this morning, finally you came here by yourself. I was ready to haul you to my office if you hadn't come here until lunch"

My face flush. "sorry. I was... It was childish of me" I answer honestly. He chuckles "at least you are here now. So Chinese food or burger?"

"Excuse me?"


"No! I'm not here for lunch"

"But I'm hungry. I can't answer any of your question with an empty stomach"

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