Chapter 22 - Mike

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Damn, I missed this woman!

Rainey is still in the shower when her intercom rings. I look at it. It's the delivery guy. I go downstairs to take the Sam... Sam something. All I can think is Rainey's happy face and her bubbly voice.

I come back to her apartment and set the dinner. It smells great, and my mouth is watering now. I'm so tired but I missed her so much and It's worth coming here straight from the airport. When she ran to me earlier downstairs, and hugged me tightly I feel like all my tiredness is gone.

She emerges from her room, her hair is wet, face free from makeup, loose t-shirt and shorts. The woman after my heart. And she looks more beautiful than ever. When was the last time woman doesn't wear any make up in front of me?

"The food is here" I say to her and she comes to me with a big grin. "You never ate this before?"

"I don't think I have"

We sit and start eating the soup. Wow! it's good!

"You like it? she giggles.

"This is so good!" I eat a big spoon and she laughs. I look at her. I miss this. Her laugh, the simplicity with her.

We are updating each other with our works. Once we finished I helped her to clean up the dishes.

"You have a new video of your trapeze?"

"Yes, we just finished a new song. You want to see?"

"Of course. What about if you send me the video every time you finish it?" I sit on the couch, Rainey goes to her room to take her phone.

She giggles "you sure you want to see it every time I finish a song?" She sits next to me and gives me the phone.

"Sure! why not?" I look at the video. Damn she is so great at this. She swings like a bird, her posture as beautiful as a butterfly. She did some crazy jump, my heart almost stopped. When it's done, I look at her. "You are damn great"

She giggles "you almost got a heart attack, right?" she guessed right.

"Yes. That's why I just want to see the result I doubt I can enjoy you practicing the dance" and we both laugh.

I look at my watch. I have to go. It's late and we both have to work tomorrow. I know I will see her in the office, but tomorrow she will be busy with Ethan's work. Ethan will be back on Monday. Rainey needs to make a summarize for the updates (like what I asked Brenda back then). I also know she will be gone to Charlottesville tomorrow noon until Sunday night.

She bites her lip.

"I have to go. It's late" I say to her.

She nods.

I stand up and she is following me. I walk to the door. "Take a rest. I'll see you tomorrow in the office"

She nods, but I can see the uncertainty in her eyes. I don't know why.

I kiss her forehead, nose, and my eyes on her lips. She comes closer to me and I kiss her lips. I trace her lips with my tongue, she's not wearing her lip gloss but somehow I still can taste the sweetness in her lips. My hand goes to her hair and tug a bit so I have her head angle in my favourite position. Rainey hands come to my shirt and pulls me to her. Now she is leaning to the wall while I'm devouring her lips. My hand is still in her hair, the other one holding her neck.

I pull back and we both pant "dangerous, Rainey" I warn her.

She is still panting, her eyes travel down from my eyes to my pants. I don't have to look to know my dick is showing himself to her through the pants. I adjust my pants, not too subtle, since there is nothing to hide from her anyway and we both chuckle.

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