Chapter 8 - Rainey

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I glare at Mike from my seat. He just chuckles. The waiter just went to take our dinner.

"So, Rainey... tell me about yourself" he grins, showing me those dimples. Somehow the dimples do the magic. Dammit!

I inhale deeply "Can I see the message from Evan McLean that said he couldn't make it at the last minute?'

He laughs now. "Are you going to play an insecure girlfriend who doesn't believe her boyfriend now?" I glare at him. If look could kill, Mike already fell on the floor right now.

"Very gentlemanly for trapping a woman into this stupid scheme" I say under my breath and Mike laughs (again). I drink my red wine and look away from him. Appearing to look bored.

"You want to look at me or I have to force you to look at me" somehow his jolly face gives me a clue what he is going to do so I snap back at him. We are seating in the square table for four, but because I didn't know McLean doesn't come, so I sit next to him. "what do you want, Mike?"

He chuckles "look, Rainey. I told you what I want and I really meant it. So ask me anything that will make you believe in me or tell me why you don't want this. Because I know your body and lust want it"

My face feels so hot right now.

He comes closer and brushes his lips to my ear "tell me you're not wet right now" he asks huskily to my ear and I can feel his breath on my ear and his scent on my nose. And fuck him! I'm wet...

"No, I'm not" but my voice is shaky.

"You want me to check by myself to let both of us know that you are lying through your teeth" he is still in my ears. He puts his hand on my knees.

"No" I push his hand and pull back. Put my hands on the hem of my skirt. Ready to snap his hand anytime he comes closer again.

He pulls back and laughs. "God, Rainey you are so funny. I don't think I can get enough of you. Well I know I can't get enough of you in the bed. But I didn't know I can't get enough of you with this endless conversation as well"

I glare my eyes at him "thanks, the feeling is not mutual, sir" Liars go to hell~ somehow my brain decided to team up with Mike.

"I prefer you call me sir on the bed while you naked" he grins. And because I don't know how to answer him so I pinch him, hard, on his arm... muscle arm I mean.

"ouch!" he protests but laughs.

"Cut it out Mike" I hiss.

The waiter came with the food and put it in front of us. "eat" Mike tells me. I glare at him "I'm not a dog. You cannot say eat and I—" and my stomach chooses the moment to grumble. My face is so hot right now, while Mike is just chuckling. I'm sure he heard that very clearly. He gestures at the food and I try to eat with all the dignity I have.

I'm hungry because I was so busy today with all the trash Brenda left for me. After the second spoon, I don't bother to look dainty anymore. I devour my food. I'm not born to be dainty anyway. He chuckles and eats his food. "You look so sexy devouring your food like that"

I decided to pretend I didn't hear what he said. Which is bullshit since we are sitting very close.

"So, Mike... as your temporary executive assistant. What do you need me to do? For real I mean. I looked at Brenda's work today and... I feel sorry for you"

He chuckles. "trust me, Rainey. She is not the worst"

"Really?" I can't help but laugh. I couldn't imagine someone worse than her.

He nods and chuckles too. It's like we are back to the wedding with a relaxed and easy conversation. "Before her, HR gave me a girl who barely can read a paper sheet correctly, and before that I got a girl who asked me to serve a coffee for her every morning because that's what gentleman do"

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