Chapter 15 - Rainey

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Monday comes, finally I brace myself to meet Mike after his confession about what I did to him. God bless me please!

I'm wearing my power outfit. My black dress with purple blazer. It always boosts my confidence.

I know Mike is in his office. I deliberately came on time today. Normally I came 10 mins early and Mike still beat me.

I put my bag and take out my iPad. Need to face him like a professional. I inhale deeply, square my shoulder. Put your big girl pants, Rainey Wright! I open the door.

"Good morning, Mike" I say professionally. Not bad, young lady!

He looks up at me and grins. Damn! More than a week now I have known this guy, my heart still does cha-cha dance whenever I see his sexy grin and sinful dimples.

"Morning Rainey." He stands up and comes closer. Shit! I need to stop him. His touch is my weakness.

"Why are you coming to me?" I take a step back. He gives me a funny look and sits on the edge of his table. "Do we have to be that formal?" He grins.

Of course! I shrug and look at my iPad. "You don't have any meeting until noon today. Mr. McLean asking for dinner meeting with you. I look up your calendar. You are free this week except on Tuesday that you have an internal meeting at 4pm." Normally the noon internal meeting will end with dinner in Hall.

"Give him my Thursday"

"Okay" I type it on my iPad. "And do you want me to arrange the restaurant?"

He chuckles. I look up at him "what?"

"No, it reminds me I trapped you for dinner with me using McLean" he grins. He is in his best mood. And I really want to punch and kiss him at the same time.

I clear my throat "so, the restaurant?"

"No need. Evan McLean is very picky with his food. He will arrange the restaurant" he says nonchalant. I glare at him. I'm so stupid to fall for his trap.

He chuckles and comes to me. His hand snakes around my waist and pulls me.

"Wha... what are you doing, Mike?" I try to pull back but I can't.

"You said you give me a chance after the clusterfuck with the Alkens. And now you keep avoiding my eyes."

"I'm not.." I look straight which makes me face to face with his broad chest. I can see his chest hair from the gap of his shirt. God help me!

"Like what you see, sweetheart?"

My head snaps at him. He looks at me with a knowing look. Damn! "Look, Mike—" he cuts me with his mouth landing on my mouth.

His hand squeezes my ass and I gasps. His tongue takes the chance to thrust inside my mouth and damn I can't help myself to return his kiss. I can feel his smile. Dammit! I try to push him but of course he doesn't budge. His 6 pack and broad shoulders are not like those stupid advertisements.

His hand in my ass pushes me to him and I can feel his bulge. I whimper.

"You told me that you want me to devour you like that night in the wedding" oh my God... "and you also told me you like my mouth on your pussy. To be precise you told me you used your vibrator while you replayed what we did that night again and again" he says huskily. And I can feel my face hot, my pussy dripping wet. It's all my stupid mouth fault! Why they couldn't lock themselves!

"Tell me Rainey... are you wet now?" He smirks. And I hate his cocky face so I lie "no"

He gives me a knowing look. Damn him! And suddenly his hand creeps to my dress and touches my panties. "Tell me again" he says and I push him. This time he doesn't have hands to hold me. I take a few steps back and fix my dress. I'm still panting.

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