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A month later.

I'm packing my stuff at my apartment with a help of my friend, Amanda Lewis - Amy. I'm moving to Mike's apartment. He is on the way here with his Range Rover since the McLaren is too small for all of my stuff.

I was planning to extend my lease at this apartment when Mike saw the text between me and the landlord. They raised the price, and I was asking him to not raise my lease as well.

And he asked me to move in with him. At first, I wasn't sure we take this step. We were together for less than half a year even though we almost like live together with us work together at Hall and him being a besotted boyfriend who always comes to Monty with me. Not to mention we spend almost every weekend together.

he told me that he already planning to ask me but he wasn't sure with my reaction. He asked Christian and Ethan, they said to ask me right away, but Mike wasn't sure with their opinion. But when he saw the message he knows that is the time.

He also told me that this is like a peace of his mind, because he wanted to make sure I'm taking care of myself. I asked my parents, they agreed for me to move in with Mike. I asked Meredith and Madeline, they also said the same. They even told me that I was thinking too much. I know deep down inside I want to move in with him, to live together with Mike.

So, here I am packing my stuff to move in with the love of my life. I was asking Meredith to help me, but she was in Maldives with Christian enjoying their wedding gift from Mike. Madeline is heavily pregnant. So I asked Amy to help me. I need my girl friend to pack my stuff.

"I'm glad you found a great boyfriend, Rainey" Amy says to me while she is helping me to put my stuff from the kitchen to the box.

I grin at her. I put the plates and glasses to another box. I will send it to the shelter later. Since we have more than enough cutlery at Mike's apartment. "Yeah me too. What about you, Amy? Will I see you and Tony back together like the old times?" Amy was Anthony Lockwood girlfriend 5 years ago. But they broke up and now Amy works for him.

She shrugs. "Things going worse between us, Rainey"

I look at her "why? What's wrong? Anyone could see he is still love with you, Amy"

She shakes her head "love is useless when there is no trust, Rainey"

I know. I was there too with Mike. I didn't trust Mike that he will understand why I had to agreed with Kirk back then that's why I didn't want to tell him.

"You are right, but you have to be honest to yourself and to him if you want to gain his trust."

Amy looks at me.

"Did he knows there is no one else in your heart since you broke up with him?"

She shakes her head.

"Well you have to tell him the truth, Amy. Trust me... I have this rules for my relationship with Mike. I will always be honest to him. And since then our relationship is getting better and better" I smile to her. She looks me for a while and then she nods. "I'll try" she whisper.

I come to her and hug her. "Let me know if you need me. We just a phone call away."

She laughs "you just sold your car" she is right I just sold my car because Mike asked me to do it. He has 2 cars and he said I'm free to use it. And since we go to the same building in the morning, we will sit in the same car anyway. So when Logan asked to buy my car I agreed.

"You're right but I have McLaren in parking lot now" I joke and she laughs. We continue with my stuff. Mike comes in with 2 cups of boba. "For the ladies!" He grins. I run to him "you are my hero" I take the boba from him and pretend I don't see he is ready to kiss me. I go to Amy and give her, her favorite boba. Amy and I are always a big fan of bubble tea.

She chuckles "thanks Rainey. Thanks Mike" she says and drinks her bubble tea. "I think your hero need a kiss, Rainey"

"Is he?" I look at him. He just chuckle, he knows I'm silly. I drink my bubble tea and moan. "This is better than orgasm!"

Amy laughs "I have to go from this place right now. I don't want to watch live porn movie"

Mike chuckles and whispers in my ear "I'm going to spank you later, sweetheart"

I laugh. "That's not the words you said when I said chocolate is better than orgasm!"

Mike raises an eyebrow. "You said that my ex boyfriend is sucks. So now you should say..." I lower my voice to pretend to be him "that means your boyfriend is sucks!" Amy and I laugh.

Mike just chuckles "you are lucky Amy is here" but I can see from his eyes he is ready with his wicked revenge and I'm wet now.

Seriously, Mike is far from suck.


I'm sitting down in the pile of boxes in Mike's apartment. Amy went home after we put all the stuff to Mike's car. We asked the doorman to help us move the boxes to Mike's unit.

I was ready to tied my hair when Mike's lift me in bridal style. I squeak. "What are you doing?"

"First round. Where do you want it to be, sweetheart?"

I laugh "I need to unpack!" I complain

"I'll help you unpack after we have our first round" he grins.

I laugh "you said that by yourself! I will mad at you if you don't help me!"

"Yes ma'am. So choose!" He kisses my nose.

"Um... the tent" I say. Mike never pull down the tent. It stays there, and becomes our favorite place.

He brings me to the tent and put me in the middle "strip, sweetheart"

I smile seductively at him and take off my clothes, while he doing the same. I will never get enough of his sexy body and my heart will never stop to dance a cha-cha whenever I see that body.

He descends to me and kisses me thoroughly "I love you, Rainey Wright"

I caress his cheeks and pull him to me "I love you too Mike Anderson, my forever night stand"

He grins "My forever night stand" and he makes love to me.

Now and forever. Because he is my forever night stand.

*The End*

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