Sharkisha dat hoe

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Carrie pov:

With Robyn. "I got the message and came, but there ain't room for two." Everybody looked at chris like he was dumb. Which he is. "Yea you right only room for one so either lose ha hoe or take yo a$$ back home or we gone have to fight ya herd?" August stood up and fixed himself ready to fight chris.

I stood up and so did Natalia. We both forced August to sit down because he was pissed off. He sat down and I went back to my seat. Rhianna just stood their staring at bey and Nicki now Nicki nor bey can keep their mouths shut. And this resulted to Nicki yelling at Rhianna. "Can I help you hoe?" Robyn shook her head and laughed.

"Yall some fake ass hoes. Y'all supposed to be mah friends." I shook my head. "You want loyal friends when you can't even be a loyal cousin. You sound so damn dumb." She put her phone on the table. "You wanna fight?" I stood up took off my heels, earnings, necklace and put my hair up. "Lego." She came at me and the first thing I did was punch her in her face. She stumbled back and I continued to punch her. It got so bad that it took August, Nicki, Natalia, bey and sevyn to get me off of her. We got escorted out of the restaurant and we all just went back to my house. Before I knew it I was crying on bey's shoulder and she was rubbing my back. "Its okay girl he dong deserve u-hey look at me you deserve better than him okay if he can't see that than that's his loss but hey. You beat that bitch ass." I started to laugh along with every one else and we went to my house. "Okay everyone out!" We all followed Michael out and went into my house.

2 1/2 hour later.....

We are all in the living room watching best man holiday and there's a knock on the door. "Lapd!!" We all exchange a look and I get up with everyone else and open the door. "Are you Carrie Williams?" I nodded and they grabbed me, they didn't read me my rights but it's alright I kept my head up nd my mouth closed and took the ride as it was.

Natalia pov:

"Y'all got my sister in their and I'm here to find out why." The woman looked through several papers and then cleared her throat.

"Your sister attacked and injured a woman and that woman is pressing changes." I shook my head. I turned around and told everyone what happened and then I called chris.
Chris: "hello."

Why the hell is your wanna be girlfriend pressing changes on my sister?" I herd shuffling and then a door closed.

Chris: "she did what?"

I shook my head and sighed. "Yea they came to the house but they never read her her rights so she should be out of here in no time. You hurt us chris. Not just her but me, ariela, taliyah, Cameron, your mom, Carrie, August and the crew Chris. We lost you man and ain't no body be able to find you unless you find yourself. Come down to the house later or tomorrow before its too late. Bye." I hung up. I stood next to August while he spoke to some guy in a suit.

"This is my wife Natalia Carries sister." We talked about what happened and he said if we had proof that the officers didn't read their rights and I handed him my phone that I recorded everything on. He took it and went to a interrogation room. He came out 20 minutes later with a smirking Carrie. We all attacked her with hugs and kisses and when we left the unspeakable happened. "Carrie!!! Carrie stay with me sus!!!"

Cliffhanger!!!! What happened to Carrie??? Vote share and comment!!!! But watch dis video of Chris lmfaooo

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