Can't say goodye

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Carrie pov:
4months later...

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear peanut,
Happy birthday to you!!!!" Mushed August's face away as I cut everyone a slice of my birthday cake. We all came to the resident home that my mom is in. She had began to lose memory about 4months ago and she wakes up not knowing who she is. I try to think of the upside in the situation. She'll be with my dad and she won't be suffering anymore. I nodded and wiped my tears as I gave my mom a slice of cake, she looked at me and smiled. "What's your name dear?" I looked at her nd smiled. "I'm Carrie mom, your my mother." Her smile faded. "Carrie? But how are you so grown your nearly 10 years old." I shook my head and tears fell. Yesterday she thought I was 15 and now I'm 10. "I don't know mom god works in mysterious ways." She smiled and bit into her cake. "Oh dear theses are delicious, you should be a cater." I laughed and looked at the family I had around the room.

August my dear sweet August. We got together after a few weeks. Chris and Natalia are together too. We all talk and none of us are mad we all just realized we had our couples backwards. The kids aren't stupid. They know who their fathers were and they knew that their auntie's were their new mommies and it was weird at first but then they got used to it. The rest of the crew was good. Nicki is still with meek. And then there's sevyn and b.o.b who is now 3months pregnant! Yea that's right. Bey and Jay pregnant too but she's 7months and is expecting a baby boy. Sochitta and Kirko getting closer and I can swear that girl is pregnant. She moody all damn day and eats like she hasn't in years. Maria did hook up with Wayne and they gotta on nd off relationship. Lytrell dropped all communication with us after I got shot and she said it was to keep us all safe. To be honest I miss her like crazy but I can't make her change her mind. Chyna and tyga is the craziest group out of all of us and they make it no easier on their son. Bow wow talks to us occasionally cause his girls expecting any minute now. We all sat here in my mom's room tho. Together like a big family should. The kids couldn't come of course but mama j was keeping everyone in check. "August sit yo ass down before I make you- Chris you got a big enough head as it is an you tryna stuff more cake in ya mouth?- sochitta can you sit ya pregnant self down hun?- Nicki you mirror gonna be taken away if I see it out one more time.- beyonce can you please stop cleaning after everyone and sit down before I put you on bed rest myself- and Jay. Why the long face?" He smiled and said he was fine. She looked at me meek. Bob. Tyga, chyna, bow wow, Wayne and Maria. "Y'all the good ones huh?" We all smiled and she walked away. I sat next to my mom who seemed to have breathing problems. "Mom do you need a nurse?" She looked at me wide eye.

"Who are you?" I sighed and kissed her. "Deep down you know." I helped everyone clean up since visiting hours were almost done. We cleaned up and I kissed my mom one more time before exiting the room. While we were on our way out August face looked alarmed as he took off running back. It took me a minute to realize that they were all rushing into my mom's room. I got pulled back by August who watched through the blinds. We watched as they tried to revive my mom. After about 15 minutes of her being revived and flat lined she was pronounced dead. I didn't cry. I couldn't cry. My mom was now in a happy place and with my father. August pulled me into a hug as we watched her get taken off of life support and laid her lifeless body on the bed. I kissed my mom goodbye and left the hospital with August in tow. We got home and I called everyone. We all agreed to meet up in the morning and get everything that wasn't prepared for done. When I finish I walked upstairs and striped August did the same and with no need of words he just cuddled with me and we fell asleep just like that. Happy birthday to me.

I was crying through this entire chapter. This book I'd coming to an end with just 2more chapters. A sequel has been planned and I am already beginning. Vote share and comment!!!

The man next door{Chris Brown fan fic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora