B3: Chapter 11 - A Demon Lord unexpectedly uncovers the dark plot!

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The Legend of the Flower Demon Lord


Chapter 11 – A Demon Lord unexpectedly uncovers the dark plot!

Back to the present time. Ellie stands before Maddox full of confidence.

Another shriek threatens to break his eardrums apart even as it sounds inside his mental sea. "Nooooooooo! All my golden apples???! My power! My poweeeeeeer! They're gone!"

In the room with the pile of bodies, magic circle floating above, the hero Tristan casually throws a golden apple into the air with a relaxed grin. It falls back into his hand, and he throws it again. This goes on until a soft voice sounds in his head. "Do it."

Grin widening, he throws the apple even higher this time, and it smoothly lands on its place on the magic circle. The light becomes more intense as the magical formula is activated, the intensity of the apples growing with it. Then, slowly...they begin to dim, their light filtering through the circle and entering the bodies of the people piled up. Ellie had set it to activate once all apples had been placed, so Tristan had just been waiting for her signal.

And that wasn't all.

"Looks like it's time for me to get started too." The magic around Tristan is released as he says so, and he finally becomes visible again. Casually walking through the cavernous halls, the guards now notice him as they yell of an intruder.

A magic circle floats around his wrist, a present left behind by Ellie. He grabs a golden apple out of his dimensional pocket and stabs it into a guard running his way. Then, he twists around, swiftly grabbing another apple on the way, and bats it with his sheathed sword into another guard some distance away. He quickly ducks as another guard swings his sword, then knocks the guy's jaw back with a golden apple.

Again, and again he attacks- ehm, gives them back their golden apples, the Light condensed inside melting back into their bodies even as they pass out from the pain...

In this manner, he makes his way towards Ellie and Maddox, a bright grin illuminating his features as teeth, sweat and blood splatter into the air. Of course, none of them belonged to him.

The shock was great just as Ellie expected it to be. At once, the goddess had lost hundreds of apples, and she was steadily losing more as the hero approached. With each loss, an ear wrenching scream would escape her lips, and Maddox was already grimacing in pain on the floor, clutching his throbbing head.

A laugh escaped Ellie's lips, "Heh, looks like I don't even need to defeat you myself. The goddess must be giving you a really tough time, huh?" She shook her head as if in disappointment, "She really doesn't know how to treat her own. Ahh...How I wish I could hear her myself..." A blissful smile graced her lips as she imagined it, and Maddox felt a chill go down his spine as her crazed eyes full of delight landed upon him. Her grin widened, "Should I go visit her?"

Maddox's eyes began to shake, and he was finally able to muster some strength as he exclaimed gravely, "How dare you to my goddess...! Do you think yourself worthy?!" As he finished speaking, he couldn't help but wince again, another apple probably being lost at that very moment. The goddess had already ceased to make any sense as she screamed like an animal in his head.

Like a mantra, she began to say again and again: "Do something! Do something! Do something! Do something!"Her hands scratched at her golden locks, not even stopping as hair upon hair fell to the ground.

How am I supposed to do something with you attacking me mentally like this?! Maddox cried out internally in frustration, but she didn't even seem to hear him. He huffed, gathering some strength as he looked towards Ellie.

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