Episode 37 - Everyone knows not to ignite the wrath of a Demon Lord...

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Episode 37 – Everyone knows not to ignite the wrath of a Demon Lord...

In the dark of the night, some distance away from a peaceful magical school, stood two very odd camps. One an army of small, drunk and rowdy undead creatures, the other, a group of young people, sitting around a burning flame as a large dragon laid around them. Its long, scaly tail circled around them as its big, glassy eyes shined lightly and it lazily gazed in the school's direction. However, this second group had begun to grow rowdy as well...

"Haah! Maaan, what are we really doing here?"

Drinking his whole glass of beer in one shot, Magnus gave a big sigh, falling tipsily to the side. He put a hand on the log he sat on, catching himself as he eyes drooped. Hiccupping, his cheeks were turning redder. He had gotten some alcohol from the undead, and he was definitely, without a doubt, drunk.

"What do you mean?"

Felyn looked annoyed at this drunk Magnus, although her own cheeks were a slight red...

"What do I mean? This! This adventure! I mean, sure it's fun to go out and explore the world beyond, but do we really think Ellie can become the Light Ciel? Do you?"


Everyone turned silent. Felly looked like she wanted to speak, opening her mouth but then closing it. She frowned, looking down sadly. Angie comfortingly squeezed her hand, also looking down sadly.

The dragon behind them gave a deep chuckle, startling the group as even the ground shook slightly. As it pulled its scaly lips back into a smile, large fangs poked through. Looking at them now, with shiny mischievous eyes, it spoke deeply.

"It is not as impossible as you all make it sound. Did you know? In our battle, miss Ellie actually used the light element."


Everyone, even Ezekiel – who usually turned silly when thinking of me – had serious, yet shocked expressions on their faces. It was Magnus who finally managed to speak everyone's thoughts.

"B-But...that's...impossible, right?"

"That's right, normally. One who can use the dark element cannot use the light element and vice versa. However, I saw what I saw. Are...you doubting me?"

As the dragon finished speaking, its voice deepened and its eyes slitting menacingly. Everyone shivered in fear. Magnus quickly shook his head in no, waving his hands frantically.

"No way, no way!"

"But...it should be impossible, right?"

Even Felyn looked deep in thought as she spoke, not believing what she had just heard. They all just stared into space.

Eventually Felly looked towards the dragon, a silent seriousness surrounding her that was not normal for her shy nature.

"What did Ellie do, with the light element?"

"She healed herself, completely. From the flames of a dragon, no less. It is something I have seen no one do before."

The dragon looked at her, answering just as seriously as she had asked. A deep silence took over once more, only the rowdy undead bums sounding softly from the distance.

"What's wrong? Did someone die?"

Emerging from the darkness and into the soft light of the flames, I stepped forward and asked with a sly smile. I heard everything! Was it really...that weird? Better pretend I didn't hear...Haha...

Not only did I hear everything, but as I had walked towards them after my Psychic Magic class, I had decided to practice my psychic vision and had seen everything. Honestly, I was quite shocked. Because...that happens to me every night at midnight. I can't believe it was light magic all along...

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