Chapter 16 - Ellvehalli, here I come!

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Chapter 16 – Ellvehalli, here I come!

Angie gulped, “I know it’s weird for meto say this, but…Do we really have to do this?”

The trembling Felly at her side, who was now trembling at a rate that seemed impossible, managed to nod a few times to show her agreement, eyes shut and mouth unable to speak.

A water as blue as the azure sky, sparkling like a jewel – with our feet standing amidst it, we looked down at the majestic waterfall in front of us. As it fell ever so fast into a puff of white spray, we were unable to distinguish what lied beyond.

“It is the only way.”

I spoke simply as I calmly stared down into the abyss beyond the waterfall. Then I turned towards Ezekiel.



He looked shocked at being addressed, somehow knowing it was him (I always knew he was a dog), so his eyes stared spinning as he stared at me expectantly.

“Make sure they all come.”

After ordering him, I looked back down at the waterfall, and, without hesitation, I jumped. I could feel my hair flying about me as the wind hit me straight on, so feeling a bit exhilarated, I played a bit in the air before I reached the current of water and glided down towards the unknown.

“…She just did a backflip midair as she jumped down a dangerous waterfall to her death, didn’t she?”

Felyn’s mouth twitched as she commented dumbstruck, but her reaction didn’t even compare to the others. Unable to even speak, they stared wide-eyed down the waterfall of death. Only Ezekiel seemed completely unaffected as he laughed heartily.

“As expected of my angel! Now, come! Let us join her! Hahaha!”

“Eh? What are you doing?!”

Magnus was the first to react as Ezekiel spread his arms wide, and from behind, captured the four into a deadly tight hug. He laughed even more as he jumped off the waterfall, dragging the four screaming people with him.


Tears streamed down their faces as the wind as well as the realization of their imminent death hit them hard. Somehow, Felly had even fainted…

“Hahaha! That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”

With his hands on his hips, Ezekiel laughed heartily once more, completely not realizing the state of the people sprawled around him in the lake. Magnus had his hands to his head as he mumbled unrecognizable words to himself with a crazed look in his eyes, sometimes even laughing manically, Felly was passed out, her soul practically leaving her body as drool dripped from her mouth, while Angie was taking turns between puking and trying to slap Felly into consciousness.

And Felyn… Felyn was leaning forward in the lake, staring down at her trembling hands as they supported her body up. Then, her eyes suddenly flashed as her head snapped up, and with a crazy raged look, she lunged forward towards me, out of the lake and into the grass surrounding it, her arms spread out as if to grasp my neck…

Simply sidestepping her, and adding a bit of dark aura to my foot as I tripped her, I ignored the ‘splat’ sound as she fell face forward into the dewy grass.

“See! Ezekiel did as he was told. Admirable, right?”

Running up to me, Ezekiel kneeled in front of me, his hands clasped together as his eyes turned to hearts and his tail…wagged. I decided to simply nod as I looked away. The look on Ezekiel’s face had turned to one of complete bliss as his eyes sparkled. At least it seems like he has his uses…Pushing everyone one by one would have been too troublesome.

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