Chapter 41 - You don't even have a dragon? Idiot!

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Chapter 41 – You don't even have a dragon? Idiot!

"This is the bonus round! Those who do not have enough points to move on to the final battle, can get a second chance! However, those who have passed can opt to participate as well, and...looks like contestant Ellie Flower is up for the challenge!"

The crowd cheered around me, "Ellie! Ellie! Ellie!"

And a few of my fellow contestants gave me stink eye, probably angry that I was taking their chance away. Well, right before a few of their eyes turned to hearts.

"Now, what is the bonus round, you may ask? Magical Familiar Battle! In this game, it doesn't matter how strong or proficient at magic you are yourself..." A few smirked and snickered at this, regaining their confidence. "It's all up to your Familiar!"


Placing a hand on his forehead as he tilted his head up at the sky, a boy nearby began to laugh manically. Then, suddenly pointing a finger at me with a confident smirk and a glint in his eyes, he exclaimed, "Don't think you can win this one! Why is that, you ask?!"


I didn't ask...

Ignoring my blank expression and lack of response, he went back to his previous self-absorbed pose and continued his useless speech, "Well, you see, even though I'm quite ordinary myself..." He looked straight at me this time, beaming with confidence, "My Familiar is not!"


Is that really something to be so proud of? Idiot...

"Well, it's understandable that you are lost for words. My beauty is out of this world, after all! Hahaha!"


So, he can resist my beauty because he's a narcissist who loves himself more? Idiot...

"Behold! Grandine!"

He opened his arms as he introduced her, and the ground began to shake. The first thing to pop out were...buck-teeth?


"Hahaha! Grandine! You are here! Now, show these pitiful commoners your outstanding beauty!"


The giant naked mole-rat that had just burrowed out of the earth made a weird sound in response to its master, looking just as confident as it posed up towards the sky. The only thing to differentiate it from an ordinary sized one – the tiny black bat-wings uselessly attached to its back.


He's an idiot. He's an idiot, right?

I decided to simply turn away and noticed that everyone around me had done the same, expressions dark. They were all probably thinking, "He's an idiot."

Eventually everyone began to draw the magical circles to summon their Familiars, and many different creatures graced the arena. There were fire-breathing salamanders, eyeballs with wings, giant cats with giant fangs, horned great wolves, and even, surprisingly – a unicorn!


My eyes glittered as I watched its rainbow-colored horn sparkle! It was more brilliant than many precious jewels and...I wonder how much it would sell for? Heheh... I hate to admit it, but I slightly drooled in that moment... However, catching myself, I quickly wiped it away as I composed myself. I need to focus on the issue at hand now! Unfortunately, I don't have time for this right now...But! Now that I know they are out there in the world, nothing can stop me! Hahahah!

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