Chapter 25 - The gods do not know the definition of common sense

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Chapter 25 – The gods do not know the definition of common sense, so the Demon Lord shall become a teacher

In every story ever told, the bringer of light is like light itself. A being of goodness, shining like the sun in the sky. They mount white horses, spout polite nonsense, and usually, have hair as golden as can be, with eyes shining like a clear blue sky. And they smile – oh, how they smile. Their smile is never fading, a show of pure confidence that light will always trump darkness and that evil will be slain.

That's how it should be, right? Right? Right?

Though crippled by my current predicament, I had once thought of myself as being a pretty bright person with a very high sensitivity to the sun. The first time I heard that others couldn't tell the time from the feel of light on their skin, I was very shocked! But, life carried on and I continued charming people with my smile. If anyone should have been the Light Ciel, it should have been me! Though that is not the point...

The point is that, somewhere far off in the continent, there was someone- or something that could be said to be the very opposite of that ideal. Until this day, I do now know what race they really belong to. Maybe a frog raped a human, or maybe that coward girl kept cowering so much her whole life in a muddy swamp, that she stayed in a crouched frog position so long, she started to resemble one.

Sure, she had that pale white skin instead of a green one. However, it didn't contain a hint of blush and looked beyond sickly. You would think at least the frogs accepted her as their own and took care of her.


Just look at the pathetic being, stretching her long, thin tongue out tentatively, shivering, as a fly zoomed by lazily in front of her, as if taunting her. Her eyes started crossing as she concentrated on the task. And then...


With a sudden red glint in its many tiny eyes, the fly rammed itself right into her forehead. As if a bull had just hit its target, the girl flew far into the marshes. Here, in turn, the nearby frogs' eyes glinted red for a second. They didn't even need to look at each other to know. In one fell swoop, as if timed, they all jumped on top of her and began pounding and pounding...

Normally, one would think it would just be a nuisance. However, every jump felt like a ton to the fragile girl. It was a tough beating, but not her first. She was the bottom of the food chain in the forest, except no one wanted to eat her. Day after day, she cowered from every kind of being, afraid of everyone and bullied by everyone.

With black hair like seaweed sprawled all over her pale face, she laid there as the frogs finally got bored and left. Their ribbit even sounded like "Hmph!" Too tired to move, she fell asleep, thinking it the end.

It wasn't.

As the sun descended in the horizon, night came. Within the nest of an owl, a red glint emerged. The woken owl's eyes locked onto the girl, and like a bullet it flew forward and hit the girl with incredible precision. Again, she flew. Waking up midair in pure confusion, she waved her arms and legs around until finally coming to a stop, face head first in the mud, butt sticking out in the air.

...She really made people wanna hit her. It just couldn't be explained.

Realizing she practically had a target on her butt, she quickly got up, hands placed protectively behind her as her back touched a hard surface. Looking back, she saw a huge rock and breathed a sigh of relief.

The peace was short lived.


With the rock suddenly gone, as if magically pushed aside, the girl fell back. A normal person would have just stopped there...But, with her legs in the air, she started rolling backwards. Unfortunately for her, this caused her to tip over and start to spiral down a long, long hill...


When she finally landed, unconscious on the hard dirt ground, she missed a grand scene indeed.

It was a deep cave, yet somehow a sliver of light was able to shine down from up above, in a concentrated light that was almost blinding. Sitting on a luxurious sapphire colored cushion that in turn sat upon a golden pedestal was...

Ah! Just thinking about it makes me mad! How could such a cowardly being have been led there, towards the Light Ciel's artifact, instead of the bright me?! How is she supposed to smile confidently if all she knows how to do is cower in fear?! Does this make sense?!

Ahem! Sorry for the outburst. However, no matter how much I think about it, it makes no sense! If at least it were someone from the angel race...But...This...This...I cannot accept!

As soon as I found out about this matter, I decided that I would have to teach the gods myself, what common sense means!

And so the next Light Ciel slept peacefully in her bed of dirt for many days to come, finally enjoying a place of rest where no one could bother her or beat her to death.


[AN: It's been a while since I wrote, so its a short chapter to warm me up. Hope everyone enjoys. ^_^ ]

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