Chapter 20 - How to Catch a Demon Lord by Surprise

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Chapter 20 – How to catch a demon lord by surprise

The sun was shining particularly brightly that day, somehow making me forget all my worries. Feeling lighthearted instead of discouraged, I decided to relax a bit and enjoy the moment, humming as I skipped away.

"...Doesn't even look like she just created a riot and that the city is crumbling around us, huh?"

Magnus stopped walking to comment helplessly as he looked my way. Then shook his head.

Meanwhile, an angry blond (they were all angry at the moment), miraculously picked up a huge piece of rubble and threw it in the direction of 'Excalibur'. Or at least what was left of it.

His scream blending in with all the others...

"Ellie...what have you done?"

Angie didn't even know how to react as she looked at the scene, then asked me with a helpless look. Felly was already clinging to her, every sudden noise scaring her. Thankfully, she had only ensnared Angie's clothing in her deadly claws- I mean nails, so far.

Hearing my name, I quickly stopped and twirled to look back, my silky smooth hair twirling with me. Holding a few strands behind my ear, I smiled brightly. For some reason, the sun on my skin felt so good that I couldn't be angry at anyone.

Little did I know that in my turning back, a certain necklace hanging elegantly on my neck would glint magically in the bright sunlight, catching a certain group's attention.

" that?!"

"I thought it would be hard to find any valuables in this mess...but you were right, boss! Look at that!"

"...But how are they managing to walk unscathed in this mess? That girl even looks like she is happily dancing amidst the chaos..."

"It doesn't matter! What matters is....we have found our target...Hihihi...."

And so, the group, hiding amidst the shadows of the broken buildings, began laughing evilly, their eyes glinting in the dark. All they could see through the cracks was the bright blue stone of the pendant on my chest.


In every story, there comes a moment where the hero, no mater how strong, faces a moment of weakness. Even if they have just started to master their powers or develop their strength to monumental levels, what fun is there in a story where everything is easy?

And apparently, the same thing goes for us evil demon lords. Even we must face an opponent with powers that surpass our own, leaving us vulnerable. However, do demon lords also get to reach that moment of pure adrenaline and excitement, where the new enemy is finally defeated and the day is saved- well, destroyed? Who knows? But...I am no ordinary demon lord.

However, I was actually in a truly unfavorable situation. Having grown up in the secluded part of the world, where magic was all but forgotten, I had depended upon stealing little bits of knowledge on magic (Thanks, Magnus). And, once I became that jerk's Ciel, I merely changed to depending upon my own creativity to manipulate the dark element given to me. I had no idea of the true complexities of magic, having relied only on instinct, and thus was no match for the most complex of magic – psychic magic.

Unfortunately for me, the group that had predated on me was one all too familiar with psychic magic, and they weren't afraid to use it.

Do you know when the mind is the most vulnerable?

It's when we are sleeping.

Only the most despicable would attack someone while they were sleeping, right? Well, like-minded people attract. And here they were, tall dark figures in the shadows looking down on a pure, innocent young girl sleeping like a beautiful angel in her tent. And they smiled. Eerie smiles glinting in the darkness. They were in the girl's head.

She screamed.

Her companions, hearing the pure agony, rushed into her tent. The wind blew the flapping tent door, back and forth. Back and forth. They had been fast, but there was no one there. No girl. No tall dark figures. They were gone. I had been kidnapped.

[Author's note: So, I know it has been quite a while since I've updated, but I have recently started thinking about this story again and gotten inspiration, as well as quite a few ideas. I was planning on making this chapter longer, but... I have to admit I have this evil side that loooves cliffhangers. Hahahah! So, yeah...Hope you all enjoy, and hopefully I'll update again soon while these ideas are still fresh in my mind. :)]

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