Chapter 24 - Demon Lords and Gods can be Generous too!

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Chapter 24 – Demon Lords and Gods can be Generous too!

"The vile Demon Lord traveled from town to town, a bringer of death. His evil undead minions trailed behind him in a cloud of darkness that lay waste to everything in his path. Such was the nature of the Demon Lord."

Excerpt from the Collected Legends of the Demon Lord

"It's Ellieeee!"

Everyone had been tired from walking as fast as possible towards the dark cloud. However, once Angie and Felly saw my form, all their exhaustion faded away as they ran towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug from behind.

Laughing happily and gracefully like a lady, I turned to face them. It was the picture perfect reunion of good friends.

"It's been a while! Haha"

"Yeah, it has! Why didn't you stop when you passed by? We had to walk so long to find you! We were worried sick when you disappeared, you know? Edward and Ezekiel were even crying like babies! Not manly at all!"

Felly nodded twice in determined agreement, "That's right! And it was quite disgusting too."

"Haha! Sorry, sorry. I was busy."


They finally looked around at their surroundings. Humanoid animals were running around and doing crazy things, sometimes even talking to themselves...One of them was being repeatedly planted into the ground like a carrot by Ezekiel.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! How dare you take my Ellie?! Die!"

It seems like his anger surpassed his happiness at seeing me...Haha...

Just then, as if he could sense my eyes on him, he stopped his incessant cursing and bashing to look my way. Immediately the eyes burning with a fiery passion mellowed out into pink pumping hearts.

"Ellieeeeeeeeee! Omf-!"

He crashed into a wall as I stepped out of the way of his mad dash.

Edward approached slowly with shining eyes, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, "Ah, is it really Ellie? My angel?"

"Who else would I be?"

I replied curtly, the affection I showed Angie and Felly nowhere to be seen. This didn't seem to dampen his spirits though, as he kneeled down before me and began one of his weird speeches of praise to my eternal beauty. As long as he doesn't mention silver...As long as he doesn't mention silver...

" silv- hngg?!!"

Just when he was about to commit suicide, Magnus appeared from behind and covered his stupid mouth, finally stopping the rant.

"Hey, just what is going on here?"

He said as he looked around, watching the crazy zoo scene that couldn't be interrupted around us.

Felly said cutely, "Animals are playing and having fun! Right?"

I agreed, "That's right! That one over there is playing hide and seek with a bloody floating knife! That one is seeing all his family members burn in flames...Oh, and that one is my favorite! His neck is being repeatedly shoved up his a**."

This was all said with my most brilliant smile, as I was quite satisfied with myself. Psychic magic is so much fun! I can make them go through all kinds of torture and not need to move a single muscle!

Magnus' mouth twitched as he spoke, "You got nerve saying all that with such a beautiful smile."

"How does anyone even fall for that smile? Ugh."

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