Chapter 36 - A Demon Lord finds true love?! As if!

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Chapter 36 – A Demon Lord finds true love?! As if!

In heroic tales, a courageous protagonist is usually faced with an overwhelming opponent, someone that seems too strong – an impossible obstacle to clear. The difference in power seems too huge, and often it is the opponent itself that seems too huge...

I slowly looked up to meet the eyes of the giant towering over me. The soft, comfortable rays of the sun unable to caress my skin as I stood under his overflowing shadow. With garish, brute features, he glared down at me with a dark expression.

We were standing in the middle of a large circle, like a stage, a crowd of students surrounding us and watching curiously. It was obviously a strange match-up – a frail little girl against a huge beast of a man. It was the first match of the class – Magical combat – and it was already very interesting.

Amidst the crowd, I caught sight of Nina. Looking to my opponent, she grinned and gave an encouraging thumbs-up, as if saying she was cheering for him. She wants to see me trampled...

Again, I looked to the giant, named Rhino... It was on purpose, right? Right? With that ashy skin...

I decided to give my gentlest, shiniest smile, tilting my head cutely to the side, "Let's have a good match, neh?"


Something strange happened.


He didn't say anything, still glaring. It wasn't that he was frozen, or even lost for words, nor did he have heart eyes...Eh?!

"I won't go easy."

He finally spoke simply. This was too weird! He hadn't fallen for my charms. That was a smile that could steal any man from Felyn! It was almost like...that time I thought Ezekiel...might be...the one- It can't be!

"Ah, are you wondering why he isn't melting at seeing like you? Like everyone else is doing in the crowd...haha...You really are pretty, Ellie-chan."

I looked back to the see the flea human, now known as Lily, smiling helplessly as she looked at all the boys with heart eyes in the crowd.

"Well, it is weird."

"Right? But Rhino-kun over there is half orc! Orcs have a completely opposite sense of beauty. What we consider ugly and disgusting, is what they actually worship."

Giggling, Lily explained this weird situation to me. I looked back to the orc, my eyes widened. No way!

There was no sign of admiration in his ugly features. Actually, there was a slight grimace! As if he thought I was- I was- ugly?!

I looked down, my hair falling in my face as my mind raced. This situation can't...

"Hello, my lady."

A man in armor approached me, bowing as he greeted me.

I have finally found someone who won't melt at the sight of my beauty...

"I see you are in a troubling situation. Why don't you let this humble servant take your place?"

Pulling himself up and brushing his golden hair aside, he smiled and stood as if posing with an outstretched hand.

That would mean...that the one I'm meant to be slowly looked up, until my eyes met the orc's once more. He grimaced.

"Heh! It is no trouble. It would be my honor-"


"No way in hell!!"

I roared, a sudden anger exploding from within me as crater appeared on the ground.

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