B3: Chapter 9 - A Demon Lord's unexpected task: Uncovering a dark plot (3)

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Chapter 9 – A Demon Lord's unexpected task: Uncovering a dark plot (3)

Ellie teleported the fainted man, and then threw herself on the large luxurious bed to organize her thoughts. Her silver hair draped around her like threads of silk, and her long lashes fluttered shut.

The man whose memories she just obtained had not been high up in the hierarchy – because yes, this was a large scheme with its own hierarchy and many, many parts... Therefore, she could not trust just his memories to really uncover this plot and make it so that damned goddess could never recover her evil cult following...Ehem, I mean church.

With that in mind, Ellie remembered how she had let her psychic powers loose during that one-sided war and did the same as she felt herself relaxing. All the pent-up power was released, just as a flood of information entered her mind and organized itself at a terrifying speed.

Every nook and every cranny of the kingdom – every little rat sniffing its little nose in search of cheese, and every ant carrying a piece of sugar on its tiny back – she saw it all. She saw the deep tunnels laid out like a labyrinth beneath the city, secrets in every corner, and the dead eyed men standing still like broken dolls. And then...and then she saw him.

Sitting on a large metal throne with a leisurely pose, chin resting upon his hand as he leaned to the side – there was a man. His eyes were not dead and lightless, instead they looked haughty and bored. His brow was slightly scrunched as if every little thing done by inferior beings annoyed him as he sat there in pristine white priestly robes. With pin-straight hair cut extremely straight, it stood just above his shoulders in a light-yellow hue, his eyes a gleaming silver.

Hm? Isn't he slightly the opposite of me?Ellie couldn't help but think just as she took her psychic powers back. She had only seen him for a split second, retreating before he could have noticed her. The man had been the only one without a blank surface mind – a fact that indicated he was not brainwashed, but probably directly under the goddess' command as a loyal servant – or well, worshipper. If anyone were in command, it would be him. And if anyone had a strong mental connection with her, it would also be him...

Hehehe...Ellie couldn't help but laugh. Ah, how many scratches could she give the goddess then? The thought was too blissful.

That goddess probably assumed she had been weakened and dying – well, even Ellie thought she was dying, but she was definitely not weakened. If anything, she was hundreds of times stronger after awakening to the system. While the goddess was actually weakened after dying in the mortal realm...Hehe.

Anyway, that was why she probably attempted to send a low-level servant to assassinate her. Even if it failed, he wouldn't know much... Honestly, Ellie had temporarily taken over the previous Light Ciel's body as the goddess had been inside it, and thus could understand a few things about her. One of them was...her IQ wasn't that high, to be honest.

Ellie expected way more from a goddess, probably also due to the fact that the first god she met was the god of darkness, who definitely was a cunning fox who liked to speak in annoying mysterious ways.

Regardless, due to that, the goddess was probably not aware that Ellie's psychic powers were that strong – at least not for wide area searches. Ellie had never shown her such a feat. And before she had entered the man's mind, she had said: "It really makes things easier if you come to me directly, instead of using my telepathic powers to search." Now, the goddess would assume she would not even attempt a search.

Ellie revealed a smile, just as she opened her eyes to reveal the bright golden irises hidden within. It's time to start a play.


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