Chapter 42 - A lovely Ball for a Lovely Demon Lord

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Chapter 42 – A lovely Ball for a Lovely Demon Lord

"Once upon a time, a prestigious school for the magically talented stood proudly. With pristine elegance, it taught the future peacefully. However, the fearsome Demon Lord, fearing the birth of a new hero, as well as resenting the beautiful Headmaster's refined beauty, could not stand such an existence. In a single night, the school that had taken years to fully develop, become nothing more than dust. In the face of such chaos and disaster, the Demon Lord stood proudly and laughed – a perfect picture of hideous glee."

Extract from "Collected Legends of the Terrible Demon Lord."

Do you really think that is what happened?! Who would call that witch beautiful?! Just look at her, falling pitifully to her knees as she is rejected by yet another handsome young man! With her lips trembling pitifully, tears forming in her eyes, and her chest puffing still with hidden perverted excitement! She could at least aim for someone her own age, right? Like a thousand-year-old dragon! Hate can quickly turn into love, you know?

The perverted- eh, pitiful witch had just caught a glimpse of the sparkling Edward and had mistaken his gaze at being directed at her. Once he quickly brushed past her like a decorative plant and ran towards me with such vigor and passion, the disappointment had been so great she could not keep up her normal facade and fell pitifully to her knees. Trembling in disbelief, she lustfully huffed at Edward's back. Can someone really feel those two emotions simultaneously?! I couldn't help but think a bit helplessly.

My plan for this stage had been simple: present the perverted witch lover of handsome young men with some fine specimen, and quickly show her she could never have them. Although, it seemed as if I didn't even need to interfere... Even before my guests arrived, she had already been rejected by two Ciels, five advanced students, three single parents, and even a stray dog... How does she still have the energy to continue? And how does someone with the title of headmaster act so ungracefully? How can she still be respected? It makes no sense!

At this point, Ezekiel seemed to enter the ballroom, quickly scanning the room with a cool, composed attitude. Cecile's eyes lit up once more as she jumped up. After getting her fill of staring, she wiped away the drool and quickly composed herself, a small, lady-like smile gracing her lips. With extreme confidence, she strode towards Ezekiel, heels clicking.

"My, who might you be? my gracious!"

As she spoke with the arrogance of one in power, her eyes suddenly widened into saucers as she caught sight of a certain something wagging behind Ezekiel's back...And when she looked up, it was as if a gigantic puppy had materialized! And that giant puppy was marching towards me at full speed! People were thrown to the side as the one-man stampede passed through.

"Kneel, dog."

Skidding to a stop right before me, the dog immediately kneeled on the ground and panted in excitement and happiness. As my eyes moved to meet Cecile's, she started. I smiled, causing a dark aura of defeat to fall upon her once more. However, even then, her gaze kept moving to glance at both Ezekiel and Edward, her breath heavy... Pervert! At least hide it!

I sighed. Running a hand through my golden hair with an air of elegance, even I could not help but notice as it sparkled, catching the light of the elaborate chandeliers above. The crowd of people surrounding me in the ballroom suddenly stopped their excited chatter, staring for a second, before they could continue even more excitedly.

Taking a sip of sweet champagne, I smiled, silently accepting all the praise thrown my way. They tried to focus on my accomplishments in the competition, but occasionally compliments about my appearance slipped out. With reddened cheeks, they still continued on with sparkling eyes.

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