Chapter 35 - Even Demon Lords can mesmerise people into followers!

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Chapter 35 – Even Demon Lords can mesmerise people into followers!

Stuck in a school that made girls play princess, my intellectual talents had never been tested – that is, until now. I watched in delight as yet another teacher's jaw dropped in shock. That expression, those widened eyes and trembling lips... Ah, what a scene indeed.

In just a few quick moments I would read through the piles of books, quickly learning It all and surpassing the others. There was no task I couldn't accomplish, so that every class ended early...

Sitting on a throne made of the glassiest, shiniest, and purest dark element, I crossed my legs and smirked.


Making a victory sign with my fingers, I flatly stated. Creation class mastered!

It took a few moments for the teacher to gather his wits. When he finally spoke, it was in a trembling voice filled with disbelief.

"B-But...I only asked you...take your s-strongest element, and create a-a small pure as p-possible...?"

"Oh? Is it not pure enough?"

I asked with a slightly disappointed expression as I tilted my head.

"No, no! No way! That is the purest I have ever- Ahem! I mean, it is very satisfactory. Yes!"

At first desperately waving his hands as he disagreed, he suddenly cleared his throat and gave a cooler answer, nodding firmly at the end. I guess you can't show that I'm that amazing, huh? Too shocking? I couldn't help myself from smiling, full of confidence. This is going well.

For some reason, the Creation teacher started to sweat as he stared at me wide-eyed.

Am I that pretty? I smiled even wider.

"Sensei! A-are you okay?!"

A student ran to the teacher who had just fallen stiffly to the floor.

"A-a demon..."

People muttered. However, as I looked around, I saw none. I could not see my own expression, after all. Therefore, all I could do was shrug it off and continue happily enjoying myself, humming in my pure black throne. What's next?


Sitting in the school library, I quickly flipped through book after book, a high pile forming on my right as the one on the left decreased. I had already figured out how to create magic spells and was confident that there was no limit to whatever my imagination wanted. I just wanted to gather as much information as I could while I had time. Why create a spell when it already existed, after all?

Usually, the danger with creating a spell is in creating a perfect logic, otherwise the spell can backfire and explode. It had, according to the history books, caused many deaths in the past. People are more careful nowadays. Additionally, even if you come up with an amazing spell, if you don't have enough magical power, it could never come to life. Thinking such, I smiled. There is no way that would be the case for me.

As I finished one book, without even looking, my left hand reached for the next one. As my fingers touched the cover, I was interrupted.


Looking to the side, I saw the small frog- eh, elf, from before. One hand lifted up in greeting, she stood with a confident wide stance. However, she was trembling...

I looked back in front of me as I picked up the next book and began reading, ignoring her.

"H-hey! The important m-me came all the way here to greet you! Say something!"

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