Chapter 4 - Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

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Chapter 4 – Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? …Wait, do I even need to ask?

Even though there are no actual sappy romances in the real world, many use the desire for one to their advantage.

Cherry colored lips, glossed and opening slowly and tentatively, smiles pulling up their plump corners. A hand with long white-tipped fingernails, slowly and teasingly pushing a heavy chest slightly backwards. The handsome boy was speechless, and I imagined his eyes glazed over and lost into her devilish-like almond shaped green ones. I could only see his back, after all.

“Would you…like to come over tonight? If it’s you…”

Her eyes glanced around shyly before finally landing on the boy, gazing at him with a quiet, expectant, yet intense look of deep longing.

However, it was soon replaced by a mischievous smile. Already imagining her victory, one corner of her cherry-colored lips pulled upwards, a strand of smooth, vibrant red hair falling over pale skin. Let me just tell you, I was still paler. It was impossible for anyone to beat me, though I would never admit why.


Felyn sat on top of the desk, lean legs crossed, and her cat like smile widening as she saw the boy standing in front of her stuttering helplessly for an answer. However, her expression suddenly turned to one of annoyance.

“You…is that really how you plan on greeting your senpai every time?”

I could see the vein pulsating on her forehead as I glanced over from my kneeling position, a strand of smooth blond hair falling in my face. I ignored the pool of liquid as I gracefully stood up and revealed a blinding smile.

Felyn made me sick, and I threw up every time; I needed to get over it.

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw what I saw, even though I would prefer not to.”

Felyn sighed sadly before continuing rather vehemently, “So? What are you doing on the fourth floor, genius first year? Planning on getting in my way again?”

Her teeth gritted tightly together as she glared my way. After that, I’m not sure what else she said. I have a feeling she was lecturing me. That’s right; from her expression and pointing finger, she was probably lecturing me very angrily.

However, I did not hear a word. My mind raced with thoughts. Felyn had been my problem for a very long time. Every time I saw her, she seemed to be hitting on another guy with high prospects for his future – that, or it was the abs she was attracted to; all the skilled warriors had them. Anyway, since they always changed, she probably wasn’t successful.

But, that’s still not the problem. No matter how many guys she hit on, or how many rejected her, it was not my problem. But, why did I have to walk in on her, always at these “hot” moments? And I always threw up. I won’t complain about losing food-money, since I don’t eat, but what about my mental-health? How am I supposed to calculate new ways to get money if I’m always mentally scarred?

This wouldn’t do. I need a way to get Felyn to become a positive source of income…that’s it!

“Ten o’clock in front of the 13th building. Don’t be late.”

That’s right…Felyn is rich! If she comes by, and my future ghost pet gets its grubby little hands on her money…Hehehe…I will be rich! Tonight will truly be perfect. Now, I need to prepare…

“Hey, where are you going?!”

I could faintly hear Felyn yelling behind me, “And you-! Stop staring into space like that! Look at me!” Felyn gave an exasperated cry, “Elise, remember this! I won’t let you get away with this again!”

She screamed even louder this time, making me glance back. “So unlady-like…” I mumbled to myself. But…maybe her lack of success did have a tiny, tiny little to do with me…How is it my fault they always fall for my smile? Rather, you should be thanking me for getting such half-hearted men out of your way!

Whatever, that still wasn’t my problem. I had things to prepare before meeting up with everyone at ten. This plan had to be perfect…Hehehe…

“How come Elise sometimes looks scary…?”

A girl mumbled, shrinking more towards the wall as I walked past.

“What? She’s always beautiful…” the boy beside her answered dreamily with love-struck eyes.

Yes, I truly had thought that plan would be perfect.

AN: Senpai = upperclassman

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