Chapter 2 - Ghosts need money too?

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Chapter 2 – Ghosts need money too?

What was my interest in, then? Obviously, money.

Money makes the world go round. What else could I want?

However, I never would have expected that my love, money, would be the determining factor in my fate, in the start of this legend.

It was a day in spring just like any other. I sat at my desk, gaze wondering to the window and the birds playing on the tree branches, singing happily. I sipped from the straw of my bamboo cup as I watched. But, I actually saw nothing, my brain computing new ways to get money.

“…and everyone who goes there has all their money disappear!”

Just as I was getting slightly frustrated by my lack of ideas, the words suddenly struck me, my head snapping to turn towards Angie.

“…a thief?” I asked carefully.

“No! A ghost. Apparently, it lives in the 13th building! Some girls convinced some guys of the warrior class to go with them, sort of like a courage test, but even the brave war students ran away scared! One guy had a total of about a hundred gold stolen from him! And it was for his girlfriend’s birthday present..tsk, tsk…Wanna see it last now!”

A-A hundred…gold…? I could feel my eyes swirling. If I have that much, no, even if’s in an exaggeration! With that money, I don’t have to worry about my expenses for a whole month! …But, damn those rich students! For a birthday present? Hah!

I furrowed my eyebrows together slightly in concentration, asking seriously, “What does it look like?”

“Oh, are you getting interested?” Angie seemed pleased, “Well, they were all too scared to even talk about it, but I don’t think it was human ghost! More like a beast…?”

My new idol, the thieving animal! I need to capture that! Imagine having a pet that gets money for me…? Hehehe…

“Honestly, Eli, I don’t know if that smile is supposed to mean you’re happy…or you want to scare us?”

Ignoring her comment, I revealed my brightest smile, “So, when are we going to capture it?”

She looked troubled now, scratching her face with her pink manicured nail, “Well, you see…we were discussing about this adventure a while ago…but, there is this warrior we want-”

“No problem.” I stood up, the chair of my desk scratching backwards. Completely serious, I said, “I just have to get some warriors to accompany us, right?”

I didn’t even give them enough time to answer, grabbing the loudspeaker from under my desk and walking over to the classroom’s window. Why did I have a loudspeaker under my desk, you say? Everyone has their own hobbies.

Right now it was lunch break. Even though the girls in the Princess classes were in their classrooms, sitting together at their desks, the same was not true for the members of the war classes.

Pretty ironic, right? Who even came up with those names? In the glorious past, the classrooms were divided by the god one wanted to be the Ciel of. Now, there were the classes for those who wanted to be the war Ciel, the war classes, and the Princess classes for those who just wanted to be, well, princesses. Cooking and sewing, and looking troubled were our specialties! Hah!

Well, the classes were further divided by grades and colors. Crimson was the highest for the war classes, where only the strongest and most likely candidates for Ciel studied, regardless of age. Sapphire was the highest for the Princess classes, where the most desirable girls studied…Shivers. Can you believe looks is one of the tests we have to pass?

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