Chapter 23 - And so the Demon Lord Descended upon the Sinners

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Chapter 23 – And so the Demon Lord Descended upon the Sinners

"The Forest of Light was one of our world's greatest wonders, but the Demon Lord was cruel and could not stand its brightness. Like a plague, he arrived. And all light was gone. Just like the people's hope."

Excerpt from the Collected Legends of the Demon Lord

The legends were true – there was a plague in that forest. However, I was not the one who had caused it. Who knows when these damned creatures arrived? They masqueraded around with pure innocent furry faces and an annoying brightness, yet here they were – little undead creatures with such strong psychic magic that they had managed to fool the whole world until now. How could they have disguised this dreadful land of darkness and death as such a bright place? Psychic magic really is strong...

My dark element broke their tricky spell, leading to the current situation: a bunch of gross, grey looking, foul smelling, little corpses prostrating themselves dogeza-style before me.

I smiled.

Immediately, they all tensed up, fur and feathers standing on end. Yes, even the wormy birds were on the ground bowing before me.

Crossing my legs as I sat at the makeshift throne of bones they had hastily put together for me, my brain raced with calculations...on how to make money. Oh, and also how to deliver sweet, sweet justice upon those who had caused me such excruciating mental pain. Hehehe...

Hearing my happy laughter, the creatures started to tremble uncontrollably in fear. But...

"Hey...How did you guys hear me just now?"


The annoying bunny from before, who had just begged for forgiveness moments before and introduced himself as Sting, startled.

"T-That is...your highness is so strong and...somehow, your mind just...too strong..."

He fumbled with words, starting to look useless. But, I knew that with their small, yet terrifying appearances, I could lead my own little army...and...Money will never be a problem again! Hahaha!

Again, they all startled and started trembling at an abnormal speed. I realized something.

"But, I don't know how to use psychic magic. So how? Perhaps...are you listening to my thoughts?"

With the last sentence, Sting looked even more frightened.

"N-No way, your highness! We would never do such a thing to such a being as yourself! Your highness must have such great potential, that strong thoughts just push through..."

"Hm...I see. Oh, by the way..."

I smiled, and again that annoying trembling began. Is it perhaps because my smile is too beautiful and bright for these ugly creatures? Huhu...

"I forgot to say, but you will all have to teach me this psychic magic. And it better be fast. Time is money, you know?"

"Of course! With y-you highness' talent, it should be no problem..."

"Whaaaat?" I drawled out, having fun seeing him squirm.

"No problem!"

Huhuhu...Just you wait, stupid giraffe...I will shove that long neck right up your ***!


And the whole forest trembled in awe of my graceful laughter.


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