Chapter 11 - Even if the Sun is bright out...

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Chapter 11 – Even if the Sun is bright out, the Demon Lord will still wreak havoc

It was midday and the sky was clear, so the sun shinned down brightly from above. The sky was a soft azure, the clouds a puffy white and the birds were chirping happily as if to say to the world: Ah, isn’t this such a perfect day…

“What are we doing?”

Magnus’ brows furrowed as he looked at me with an expression full of distrust.

…to steal?

Everybody knows that if you are going to steal something, it should be in the cover of night so as not to be discovered. That is what Magnus had been fervently trying to tell me as we crouched behind a bush.

I looked at him simply, “Didn’t I tell you? We’re going to get a map.”

“But, it’s broad daylight! And not just any daylight – I don’t think the sun has been this bright in a very long time! Isn’t this too conspicuous?!”

He was practically huffing and puffing as he whisper-yelled at me in frustration. In response, I simply looked up at the sky blissfully, and closed my eyes as I let the warmth caress my skin, “Yes, it certainly feels extra nice today…But, you know,” I looked at him now and gave him my brightest smile, “don’t I blend in with brightness better?”

Magnus face twitched as he tried to suppress his irritation, “Yes, you are so bright that it is quite annoying. Can’t I just kill you?”

I chuckled, “You’re as violent as ever, I see.”

“Isn’t that you?” He mumbled under his breath.

Ignoring him, I continued with a pointing finger and a lecturing voice, “But, you know, sneaking in during daylight is actually much better than sneaking in during the night. Everybody expects you to try to sneak in at night, but nobody would suspect you to try to sneak in during the day.”

“Because only a fool would.”

“Ahem!” I could feel my blood starting to boil at his snarky attitude, but ignored it and continued, “No one has snuck into the palace in years, and no one expects someone to. Even if they do, they would focus on the night.” I pointed in the direction of the guards, “Now, look over there. Does it look like those guards are alert and awaiting an intruder?”

The guard in his metal armor was lazily scratching his lower area, before swinging a can which obviously contained alcohol into his mouth. Even that couldn’t seem to wake him up as he yawned lazily with droopy eyes. His fellow guard, sensing his comrade’s boredom, immediately tried to lighten the mood by lifting up his shirt and drawing a few lines on his bare stomach. Next thing you know, one guard was laughing at the other while his blubbering, protruding fat stomach went in and out, resembling a person’s (a very fat one’s, might I add) face talking.

Magnus was speechless for a while before finally managing to say, “…Just what are they doing?”

However, he was soon shocked as he was met with an empty space instead of me. Alarmed, he ran forward and practically yanked my arm as he stopped me from walking. “Just what are you doing?!” He practically hissed under his breath.


Mad, I could only glare at him for a while before saying, “Can’t you see I’m doing my usual ‘don’t think or hesitate and just go do it’ thing? Don’t get in my way.”

“…You…were doing that on purpose?”


I could only glare some more, as the hand clutching onto my sleeve started to tremble the more Magnus tried containing his laughter. His whole body was practically heaving as he used his other hand to cover his mouth, tears already escaping his eyes with the effort.

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