BOOK2: Prologue - The Story of a Flower

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The Legend of the Flower Demon Lord


Prologue – The Story of a Flower

This is the story of a flower.

A tiny, innocent, helpless little flower.

In a vast field of green grass, this flower alone bloomed. A single daisy. All by itself – enjoying the smooth, gentle breeze and the warmth of the sun. It's petals fluttered in the wind, almost as if dancing.

It was a serene day like any other. No one ever interrupted the lone flower's solitude and peace.

That is – until that day came. Two beings with auras too strong to be considered human. They were not mere mortals.

One with graceful long black hair in a gentleman's ponytail – ribbon as equally black. The other with hair so golden it almost obfuscated the sun. A man and a woman had arrived, now standing before each other in silent tension.

"Did you really think I would let you get away with it?" The man finally asked, a slight frown appearing on his brow. His black eyes, so bright and yet like black holes, glared at the one before him with vehement rage.

The expression of the woman was a mocking one, almost twisted, "You really think you can stop me? Have you not realized whoI am?" She looked as if she wanted to laugh, her pretty features not so pretty anymore.

"Have younot realized who I am?"

Her expression fell at his words, "What do you mean?" It was her turn to glare, "It shouldn't be possible for him to...No, since when? Really? It's you?" Her eyes narrowed menacingly, "Are you not afraid of destroying your vessel?"

The man smirked, "I only need enough time to finish you."

With those words, the two that should have been the Dark Ciel and the Light Ciel respectively, began attacking each other.

The woman went first, the rage within her overflowing as she unleashed a light magic attack of incredible proportions. The whole field around them was swept in it.

The flower felt the gust of power, stronger than any wind it had ever experienced before, followed by the most refreshed feeling it had ever experienced before. It's whole being felt invigorated with life. This attack could only hurt one of darkness, after all.

However, this glee was short lived. A burst of dark energy surged, and the flower was now withered and dead, no life to be seen.

But then, light magic came again...the flower blossomed, fuller of life then ever! Only to be withered again.

As the two fought their battle, destroying the landscape surrounding them, the flower went through that cycle again and again. Dying, then reviving, Dying, then reviving. Dying, then reviving...

Once the battle was over, months had gone by, and the scenery was no longer recognizable. The intense magic of the two beings had been so great that space itself had distorted. This was no longer an inhabitable land. Some areas seemed bright like miniature suns, and others so dark no light could hope to invade.

The flower alone stood amongst such chaos, looking as lone and innocent as it always had, it's petals fluttering in the wind of magical power that permeated the place.

Days, months, and years passed. The flower remained the same, even with the two beings gone. Every day at midnight, it would die and revive, die and revive...Until one day, it revived differently than it ever had before.

From the withered flower, emerged milky white skin like the petals of a daisy. Limbs formed, fingers curled, and golden hair flowed. From the withered flower now stood a tiny little girl.

With her newly formed bright green eyes, like that of her stalk, she looked around at the chaos that formed her home. She tilted her head, now able to understand more than she ever had, but confused, nonetheless.

Her messy hair fell over her face as she spotted one particular distortion in space. She could see the bright and dark overlapping, the create a world of green and life beyond. This was what is called a "portal," although she did not know at the time.

She simply longed for that green full of life, reaching towards it until it sucked her in.

And that is how our heroine, or some say villainess, came to be.

AN: So, what did you guys think of Ellie's origin? Did you have any suspicions that the flower demon lord was a... flower? hahaha XD This was the first thing I every imagined so I was really excited to write about it. However, I planned to only put it at the end of book 2, which made me feel reluctant to write book 2...(Cuz I need to write about Ellie T_T) so I made it the prologue! Haha The rest of the book will show the story of the light and dark Ciels AND gods and how they reached the prologue's battle. ^_^ That's why, I can probably continue to write both book 2 and 3 simultaneously. ^_^ 

Please let me know what you think. <3 All votes and comments really motivate me to write. XD 

Thanks for reading! <3

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